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Bump the top of the cave to the left. A worm will fall if you bump hard enough

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Q: Where do you find the bait in clam waters for club penguin?
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Where is the rare tresure on club penguin aqua grabber?

The rare treasure on aqua grabber is the black pearl on clam waters it is worth 50 coins. There you have it!

Where is the fish bait on club penguin?

you have to mate

What if bait id banned you club penguin?

create a new penguin

Where can you find the Clam Necklace on Club Penguin?

at the stage

Where is the bait in secret of the fur in club penguin?

by the dock

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In club penguin secret of the fur what is the bait for the creature?

Go to the Pizza parlor and get a candle as bait.

On club penguin the game aqua grabber where is the rare treasure in clam waters?

Here is a link to a video I created on Youtube that explains everything.

How do get bait Club Penguin?

add cutiepie558911 and 123awesomeoucho on moshi monster

What is the bait for monster in secret of fur in club penguin?

seaweed pizza

What game has a shark in on Club Penguin?

there is a shark in the ice fishing game on club penguin and the shark bites off your bait and you loose a life.

What do you use as bait for club penguin mission 6?

The bag of puffle O's