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In every state I am aware of, the insurance company sends you an offer to renew and a bill. If you don't pay it there is not a cancellation that is required to be sent out after that. Most companies send you more than one billing but they are not required to and you cannot blame the insurance company for this error. The renewal is the only time that you do no have a period of time after the payment due date. The renewal is also the only period that the company is not required to send you a cancellation notice with a cancel date on it because the renewal date is your cancellation date.

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Q: When you renew your car insurance fail to renew it cancel it the insurance company must notify?
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Is your homeowners insurance automatically cancelled at closing when you sell your house or do you have to contact your insurance company to cancel it?

By Law,, Your Coverage, ceases automatically when you sell your home. The Insurance company however will not know your home has been sold right away unless you notify them right away. Should they find at a later date that the sale ocurred they will cancel the policy or non-renew it.

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My policy is expiring and I do not wish to renew. Must I notify my agent, or do anything else?

Does the insurance company have to notify motor vehicle if you dont have auto insurance?

That will depend on where you live. In Alberta we have private insurance companies and no it is not a part of our job to notify motor vehicles if your policy is cancelled or lapsed. You do need the pink card to renew your registration though.

Who must the car insurance notify anytime you renew your car insurance?

The auto insurance company would notify the policy owner when the policy renews. If you have any vehicles financed and have provided the company with the correct mailing address and loan numbers they will also notify them of your renewal. Many states have an automatic notification system so that the company also notifies the State Department of Motor Vehicles of insurance or insurance cancellations so that the State knows if your insurance is valid as well.

Is it legal for a insurance company to auto renew an liability insurance policy in Connecticut?

I don't think it violates Connecticut insurance regulations. But you should be able to cancel the policy and get a pro-rated refund or full refund.

How often do you have to renew your insurance?

Depending on your insurance company most policy's renew automatically every 6 months.

Can an insurance company cancel coverage because of not having a land line and thus no reverse 911 coverage?

each state would have their own reasons insurers can cancel or non renew coverage - this doesn't seem like a reasonable reason to cancel coverage

Can you renew your membership after you cancel it?

You cannot renew it after you cancel it, but you can buy it again but it will cost you.

Will your full cover insurance work if you have an expired licence?

So long as your Auto Insurance is still in force your policy still covers you. You should renew your license as soon as possible though as the Insurance company does check your drivers license and driving history regularly. Should the company find that you have allowed your license to expire, they may decide to cancel your policy or decline to renew your policy on the assumption that you no are no longer a licensed driver and therefore do not need Auto Insurance.

Can you pay your renewal car insurance online?

It depends on what company you are with. Most company's allow you to renew your insurance online. And can pay it by credit card.

Anytime you renew your car insurance fail to renew it cancel it or the insurance company cancels it the insurance company must notify?

This will depend on the regulations of the jurisdiction where you live. Until a few years ago no one was notified here in Georgia. Now in Georgia the State Department of Motor Vehicles is notified every time a policy is written, cancelled, or vehicles removed. It is kept up with by individual vehicles and based on the vehicle serial numbers. One day without coverage will generate a fine and if stopped while driving a vehicle without insurance will get the vehicle impounded. The policy departments even have an instrument that works similar to a radar gun and shows the officer whether or not the registration and insurance is up to date with an immediate answer shown on the screen.

Can your home insurance company cancel your insurance without notice?

This vary from state to state. For the most part, the only time an insurance company actually 'cancel' your policy, there has to be a very valid reason..for example, the insured withholding information or committing fraud. Otherwise, most companies take a less severe method by non-renewing. Doing this, they provide the consumer with an advance notice to not renew the policy. The consumer is provided with ample time to secure coverage elsewhere.