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frameshift mutation

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Q: What type of mutation is caused by adding one nucleotide into the middle of a sequence?
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Changes in a DNA sequence caused by substitution of one nucleotide for another?

Point mutations

What event will increase the frequency of a mutation in a population over time?

Mutation is the alteration of the nucleotide sequence of an organism, virus, or gene. A mutation can be caused by many factors like radiation and chemical exposure, inadequate nutrition, drastic changes in the environment, or an error in DNA replication. The frequency of occurrence of a particular mutation in the gene pool can be affected by drift, natural selection, sexual selection.

A change in DNA sequence caused by a mistake in DNA replication or exposure to radiation or chemicals?

A change in DNA sequence caused by a mistake is called a mutation.

Can a change in a nucleotide cause a disease?

By changing a gene's instructions for making a protein, a mutation can cause the protein to malfunction or to be missing entirely. When a mutation alters a protein that plays a critical role in the body, it can disrupt normal development or cause a medical condition. A condition caused by mutations in one or more genes is called a genetic disorder. So, yes.

What are the impact of mutations and how mutations can have no impact?

Mutations are usually anomalies in the sequence of a particular strand of DNA. The change is the sequence can be of various kinds and their individual effects vary. Sometimes mutations occur but they are never expressed. In such cases, on the whole, the mutation has had no impact. Changes in a single nucleotide can change the reading frame for protein coding regions and can cause misreading of the genetic code. For example, nonsense mutations caused by the exchange of a nucleotide leading to a stop codon can cause truncation of a protein. On the other hand, we can have silent mutations which show no effect because the nucleotide that has been exchanged does not cause change in amino acid sequence. So this would be an example of a mutation which shows no effect.

How are point mutations different from flame shift mutations?

Point mutations are when a single nucleotide is replaced by a different one, but this doesn't affect the length of the DNA sequence, which usually will not affect the way the protein that is produced. A phase shift (what I think you meant) mutation is caused by an addition or deletion of a base that changes the length of the sequence. This causes problems because codons to make proteins are in sets of 3 and deleting a nucleotide makes the reading frame different and will add incorrect amino acids to the proteins from the mutation on, resulting in an ineffective protein.

What is the change of DNA sequence caused by a mistake in DNA replication or exposure to radiation or chemicals?


What is a change in DNA sequence caused by a mistake in DNA replication or exposure to radiation or chemicals called?

A change in the DNA sequence caused by a mistake in DNA replication or exposure to radiation or chemicals is called mutation.

What would happen if UV exposure caused a point mutation where a single base was changed within your DNA sequence?

It would depend upon type and location of point mutation .

How are substitution mutations caused?

A substitution mutation in genetics is where one of the nucleotide bases of DNA is swapped for another. These mutations may or may not affect the protein that is being coded.

Caused by the insertion or deletion of nucleotides in DNA?

The deletion or insertion of one nucleotide into the DNA sequence will result in a frameshift mutation which changes the reading frame that the tRNA follows when assembling amino acids from the DNA sequence. Each amino acid is coded for by a codon of three specific nucleotides. Shifting this frame can result in a different amino acid being added to the growing polypeptide chain. Also, a stop codon can be read and thus prematurely end the polypeptide chain. This creates incorrect and/or incomplete proteins. This could lead to serious problems if essential proteins are being saccrificed due to the mutation.

Why is it bad for human to mutate their DNA?

DNA in genes codes for protein. The sequence of nucleotides on the gene determined the amino acid sequence of the protein. If there were to be a mutation that caused a change in the nucleotide sequence of the gene, the wrong protein would be produced. If the wrong protein is one that is essential to life (like important hormones or developmental factors), this could cause an irreversible error in the development of the individual. Mutations ultimately result in altering the physiology of the cell.