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To get diamond, you need a pickaxe of iron, gold or diamond.

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Q: What tools do you use to cut diamond on minecraft?
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Could you use crushed calcite to grind and form facets on a diamond?

No. A diamond can only be cut and polished using tools tipped with diamond material.

Can a diamond scratch another diamond?

A diamond is the hardest known substance, as stated on the Mohs scale. Yes, a diamond can scratch another diamond. Diamond-tipped tools are what workers use to cut and facet diamond stones.

What substance would a jewler use to cut a diamond?

A jeweler would use another diamond to cut a diamond.

What do you do with with diamods on Minecraft?

you can make diamond armour, weapons and tools. you can also make diamon blocks and use them like you do with wood or dirt and any other block.

What can you use to mine diamond in minecraft?

You can use an iron, gold, or pre-existing diamond pickaxe to mine diamond ore or diamond blocks

How can you brake obsidan in minecraft?

Use a diamond pickaxe

What element is taken from diamond to sell for use?

Diamond stones of gem quality are chipped, chiseled, cut and polished for use. Industrial diamonds may be crushed before being applied to tools. No element is removed prior to their use.

Can laser cut diamond?

Yes, diamond cutters use lasers to cut diamonds.

How can you get unlimited diamond on Minecraft?

You can always use an inventory editor. I use INVedit

How do you switch tools in minecraft?

Pres 123456789 or use scroll

What tool do you use to mine diamonds in minecraft?

To mine diamonds in Minecraft, you have to use an diamond or iron pick. Click and hold with your mouse on the diamond ore until it breaks. A block of diamond should come out of it and into your inventory. Then you have to cook it in your furnace to get diamonds.

How do you cut diamonds on RuneScape?

To cut diamonds, use a chisel on an uncut diamond in RuneScape. Further cut diamonds can be cut into bolts for rangers.