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Don't know if I got the question well.

If you mean that one played when Edward and Bella reach the prom and get in, that's Perry Farrell - Go all the way (into_the_twilight)

if your talking about the one when Edward and Bella are dancing together that is called flightless bird, American mouth, Sam Beam, iron and wine.

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the song is called: Hamster song.

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Q: What song is playing when Bella and Edward first come into the prom?
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In the movie twilight why does Bella turn into a vampire?

MAJOR SPOILERS FOR BREAKING DAWN BELOW!!!!!Yeah Edward and Bella planned on Bella being changed later before there first semester of college but then Bella got pregnant and Renesmee was half vampire so she was basically killing Bella while she was inside her. Edward injected his venom right after she had Renesmee to keep her somewhat alive.She became a vampire because Renesmee was killing her. After she came out, Bella was dying so Edward had to keep on biting her to get the venom to her heart fast so she won't die.

Did Bella's lullaby come first or the river flows in you?

in the movie, Bella's lullaby was first. in the book, Esme's favorit, or the river flows in you was first.

What is the song played in the prom scene where Bella nd edward was dancing in the gazebo?

Bella and Edward attended prom together, and in the gazebo scene danced to "Flightless Bird, American Mouth" by Iron and Wine. Victoria was revealed shortly after, a foreshadowing of what was to come.

How does Edward react when Bella sits by him in Biology?

Well that just depends on what day that was and they already new each other but I only have two answers First:Edward wanted too kill her the first time he saw Bella Second:they were doing a project in Biology class about cells and he was triying to be as nice as he could so she didn't think he was a mean too her.

What are the key events that happened in twilight?

The turning point is when Bella is with the Cullens in a field during a thunderstorm while they play baseball and 3 vampires appear. They are 3 nomad vampires named James (a tracker), Laurent, and Victoria (James' mate). Then when James smells Bella's scent he wants to kill her. That's when most of the action begins.

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When do the edward and Bella action figures come out?

I don't think an Edward and Bella action figure is to be made.

How did edward come to Bella's school?

Bella went to Edwards school

What happened at Bella's house when edward there before the wedding?

i think the other vampires come to congratulate Bella and Edward !!

What is the conclusion of the first twilight?

Basically what happens is this: Bella moves to town. Bella falls in love with Edward. Edward loves Bella, but Edward thinks he is a monster because he is a vampire. Soon he can't resist her and they fall in love. One day when they are playing baseball with his family, three evil vampires come. (James, Victoria, and Laurent.) James can't help the smell of Bella and wants to hunt her. Bella goes off with Alice and Jasper to escape James. James tricks Bella into coming to her old Ballet studio, where James breaks her leg and bites her. Edward saves Bella in the end. THE END

Does Bella's mum come to edward's and Bella's wedding?

Yes. So does Phil. When Bella and Edward are leaving Bellas mum links arms with both Charlie and Phil.

What happens to Bella Swan?

Bella Swan is married 2 edward and he kepped his promise to have "IT" with her and when they come back from the honeymoon she is pregnet

What does Bella hope for in new moon?

For edward to come back

Will Edward come back to Bella?

SPOLIER*** No. Alice comes back becaz she sees Bella jumping off a cliff. SHe thinks Bella is dead, so she goes to Bella who is still alive. Rosalie tells Edward that Bella is dead. Edward calls Charlie and Jacob answers. He says that Charlie is at the funeral. So immediately Edward thinks it is Bella's funeral but actually it is Harrys. He goes off to Italy to have the Volturi kill him. Alice and Bella go to Italy to stop him. Edward still persists to want to die. Bella stops him. Edward, Bella, and Alice come home alive and safe. THey life happily ever after.

Why does Edward always come up in Bella's dreams?

Because Edward is in love with Bella. Also, she is used to drinking human blood and he is trying so hard not to.

Did Alice warn Edward of her vision of Bella before he even met her?

No, Alice did not warn Edward about her vision of Bella before he met her. The vision happened after they had already met and fallen in love with Bella.

Is there a video that edward bites Bella when she has the baby?

No, the movie hasn't come out yet.

What happens In all of the Twilight books?

in twilight it is about Bella and edward falling in love and finding out that edward is a vamp then one day they go to play ball then another vamp hunts her and puts her in hospital. in new moon edward leavs and Bella jumps of a cliff and they come bak and edward asks Bella"will u marry me" an Bella says "yas"