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Q: What signaling molecules enters the cell to initiate its action?
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When sodium enters the neuron, it depolarizes it. This means that the neuron becomes more positive. This can lead to the neuron reaching threshold and then initiate an action potential. When the sodium channels are NOT functional, the sodium can not enter and depolarize it. Therefore the threshold can not be met and action potential will not occur. If the sodium channels are inactive in an nociceptive neruon (carries information about pain), then the it will prevent you from feeling pain.

What molecules both enters AND exits the Kreb's cycle?

Pyruvic acid enters and carbon dioxide exits.

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The defendant enters a plea

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Glycolysis splits glucose into two three-carbon molecules, and makes two molecules of ATP.

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They are turned into acetyl co-A.Finally into two CO2 molecules.

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Its molecules become heated.

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When an active site enters the substrate, the activation level decreases. Allowing the molecules to move rapidly.

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Carbon enters a consumer contained in the complex molecules of the food the consumer eats. Carbon exits the consumer as a gas called Carbon Dioxide - which is usually breathed out.

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Action Replay usually comes with a Code Manager, in which when you DS is connected via UBS, it automatically enters the codes for you.

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The molecules would move down towards the centre of the earth until stopped by something.

What part of the cell enters the cell and leaves?

The only things that enter and leave cells are molecules and proteins. organelles do not leave the cell.

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