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Glycolysis splits glucose into two three-carbon molecules, and makes two molecules of ATP.

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via food and air

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Q: How does glucose enters the body?
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In the human body excess glucose enters anabolic pathways and may be converted into glycogen or what?

in the human body exces glucose enters anabolic pathways and may be converted into glycogen or what

What controls how the body uses glucose or sugar?

the cell membrane controls everything that enters or leaves a cell

What molecule enters glycolysis?


What happens to glucose that enters the nephron along with filtrate?

The glucose that enters the nephron along with the filtrate get absorbed by the glomerulus goes to the proximal convoluted tubule (pct) and again reabsorbed and enters the blood.

What is glucose called after it enters the cell?

it breaks down in the mitochondra

How is oxygen and glucose transported?

IT INVOLVES THREE BODILY SYSTEMS:DIGESTIVE SYSTEM - BRINGS IN THE GLUCOSE FROM FOOD AND IT IS THEN ABSORBED BY THE SMALL INTESTINE.RESPIRATORY SYSTEM - BRINGS IN OXYGEN THAT IS DIFFUSED IN THE AVIOLI.CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM - TRANSPORTS THE ENERGY THAT HAS NOW BEEN MADE TO THE PLACES IN WHICH IT IS NEEDED.Energy is made from oxygen and glucose, when reacted together. Oxygen enters the body via the respiratory system and glucose enters through the digestive system. These two systems link as they both provide the formulae for energy. When glucose and oxygen are both in the body, the cardiovascular transports it via blood to the place in which it is needed in the body, for example the muscles. This is also links with the digestive and respiratory system as it provides the transportation of the energy.

How vaginitis enters the body?

It enters the body through the vaginal opening.

What is the molecule that enters glycolisis?

Glucose is the raw material. It is converted into pyruvate.

What materials enter glycolisis?

Glucose enters into it.Then converted into pyruvate.

Name the fuel the human body burns?

The preferred fuel source for the body is glucose.

Is ketosis too much carbs?

Ketosis is a state which the body enters when you consume less glucose (which you get from carbohydrates) than the body needs. The amount of carbohydrates to avoid this state is unclear, but most people suggest that it is 100g or 50g. But Ketosis is not dangerous because the body is fully capable of producing glucose on it's own, but it uses a lot of energy.

Do you use glucose in the from of glucose?

Yes, your body uses glucose in the form of glucose. All other sugars are converted into glucose so your body can use them.