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they were dissolves

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Q: What happens when sugar and glycerin are put into water and stirred?
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What happens when sugar and glycerin together stirred in water?

it becomes a soap

Why does water turn sweet when sugar is stirred in it?

The water would turn sweet because the sugar was already sweet, so when you mix it in water, the same thing happens. The water is sweet.

What happens to salt when it is put into cold water and stirred?

The cold water becomes salt water. The salt doesn't dissolve like sugar.

Sugar dissolves when stirred into water the sugar is the what the water is the what and the sweetened water is the what?

Sugar is solute Water is the solvent Sweetened water is the solution

Why does water become sweet when sugar is stirred into it?

Its not the water or the sugar - its your tongue telling your brain that its sweet.

What happens to water molecules when they are stirred?

They move.

What happens when sugar is stirred into water?

The sugar will dissolve in water because sugar is polar and so is water with hydrogen bonds. When attraction happens, the water molecules will separate the sugar molecules and the sugar will be dissolved.

What is a tablespoon sugar stirred into a glass of water the liquid which now holds the dissolved sugar known as?

The water is considered the solvent and the sugar is the solute.

What happens when a teaspoon of table salt is stirred into a glass of water?

It dissolves.

Glycerin is it preservative?

Not really, glycerin is a humidicant. Meaning that it does not evaporate and in fact absorbs water from the air. It is this property of glycerin that keeps "glycerin preserved" foliage soft and pliable (unlike dried foliage which is brittle). Also glycerin is a sugar and hence it is subject to bio-degradation.

How fast does sugar dissolve in hot water not stirred?

around 6-7 mins

How could a sugar cube be dissolved more quickly in water?

The water can be heated, the mixture can be stirred, and the sugar can be broken up into small pieces.