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The water is considered the solvent and the sugar is the solute.

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Q: What is a tablespoon sugar stirred into a glass of water the liquid which now holds the dissolved sugar known as?
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It dissolves.

Why does sugar dissolve faster in water?

well if you put a tablespoon of sugar and put it in a glass of water about 8oz then put it in the microwave for 30 seconds on normal then stir it a little the sugar would have dissolved.

What can not be dissolved?

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How is glass a liquid?

Glass is not a liquid. It is in fact a solid.

What are some examples of solid-liquid solutions?

Glass, it appears solid while in front of you, however over hundreds of years it does slowly sink. Windows from the Victorian times are thicker at the base than they are at the top because of the liquid form of glass, gravity pulls it down.

How can you tell when a Solution saturated?

No more solute can be dissolved in the solvent. If you have ever added a lot of sugar to a drink, you would find that no matter how much you stirred, there would still be undissolved sugar at the bottom of the glass. The drink is a saturated solution- no more sugar will dissolve in it.

What is it glass liquid called?

Liquid glass is sodium metasilicate, Na2SiO3. (Wikipedia)

What is an example of colloid sol?

There are a few different types of colloids based on the state of matter.Classifications:Aerosol (liquid dispersed in a gas - fog, mist, clouds) Foam (gas dispersed in a liquid - soda (CO2 dissolved in water), whipped cream)Solid Foam (gas dispersed in a solid - Styrofoam, plaster)Emulsion (liquid dispersed in a liquid - butter, milk)Gel (liquid dispersed in a solid - jello, starch solution)Solid Aerosol (solid dispersed in a gas - smoke, dust)Sol (solid dispersed in a liquid - blood, ink, paint)Condom (gas dispersed in a solid-square plane-figure)Prostitute (Girl turns rouge-causing her to have sex with anyone who pays her)

What the volume of any liquid that can fill half of an ordinary glass?

The volume of any liquid that can fill half of an ordinary glass will be half the volume of the glass.