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this is a metaphor because it is describing how soft the pillow is without using like or as in the sentence

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Q: What does the pillow like a cloud a metaphors means?
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What is MOPS stands for?

MOPS stands for metaphors, onomatopoeia, personification, and similes. This is good to put inside your writing. Metaphors is when you say something is something else. Onomatopoeia is when the word your using sounds like the way it sounds. Personification is when you give an inanimate object human characteristics. Lastly, similes is when you say something is like something else.

How do rain clouds feel?

If you're asking how it would feel to be in a cloud, it would feel a lot like being in fog. A rain cloud would be a "wetter" fog, more of a mist.

What is the effect of a metaphor?

A metaphor compares one thing to something else; it DOES NOT use the words, like or as.Example: Her hair is silk. Simple and straight, the effect of metaphors is that it aims to create imagery so that we may visualize the connection between two objects or things when they are not. Metaphors are just the use of direct comparison.

What are metaphors that describe final exams?

One of the metaphors that can be used to describe final exams is, Heading into final exam week feels like heading into a battle. You would also say Final exams make you as nervous as going out on a first day.

The highwayman sustained or extended metaphor?

There are many metaphors in the poem the highwayman but i think it is sustained. There are such things as similes, rhetorical questions d many more figures of speech.the metaphors and similes it contains is dumb as a dog,his face burnt like a brand,as the black cascade of perfume came tumbling over his breast.ect.

Related questions

How is a cloud like a pillow?

A cloud is white like a pillow and looks soft like a pillow...your answer depends on if its for English or science or just cos you want to know! :P

'The pillow was a cloud when you put your head upon it after the long day' - is this a simile or metaphor?

This is a simile because it uses the word "like" or "as" to compare the pillow to a cloud. Similes make comparisons using "like" or "as," while metaphors make direct comparisons without using such words.

How are similes and metaphors alike?

Similes and metaphors are both alike in the fact that they are ways to make comparisons. The difference between the two is that similes making comparisons using like or as, while metaphors do not.

How would you describe cotton's texture?

soft, fluffy, cloud and cotton like, puffy, like a pillow, smooth

Sobakawa Cloud Microbead Pillow?

If you have ever wondered what it felt like to sleep on a soft and fluffy cloud, now you can, with the Sobakawa Cloud Microbead Pillow. This pillow has micro-air bead technology that will help to relieve tension in your neck, shoulders and back. Many headache sufferers may complain of neck stiffness upon waking because of their pillow. The Sobakawa Cloud Microbead Pillow adapts and conforms to your individual dimensions, while comfortably giving you the neck support you need for a tranquil, good night's sleep.

How would you describe cotton candy's texture?

soft, fluffy, cloud and cotton like, puffy, like a pillow, smooth

Is the tempur pedic pillow better than regular pillows?

yes,I recently bought a tempur pedic pillow and it is like i am actually sleeping on a cloud. I love it and I will never give it up, EVER, in the world!

What is humping on the pillow?

It just means you like to have your penis stimulated.. and there is nothing wrong with that...

What is the meaning of be on cloud vine?

It's "be on cloud nine" and it means to be euphorically feeling as if you are on a cloud in heaven.

What is the meaning of a cloud shaped like a dove?

It means the creator is amusing us by making cloud animals.

How can the word Figurative be used in a sentence?

Figurative means not literal. Figurative language refers to things like metaphors and similes.

How do you pillow ride?

First you have to be naked. You kneel down over an object like a pillow make sure your gential is on the pillow and your clitoris can be rub when you thrust your hips only your hips on the pillow making sure as thrust back and forth your cclitoris is being stimulated by the pillow.This is called humping. It is sort of like have sex with pillow only thing is that you are on top