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The rations at each meal consisted on coffee (in the mornings), and thick soup. Every now and again there is a mention of rough bread, some of which is smuggled in by a relative they found in the camp. This is the chapter which mostly deals with all the negatives in the camp. It is very consistent in tone and form in that Wiesel just keeps going and telling his story with not much introspection, but more fact.

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Q: What are the prisoners rations at each meal in the book night?
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What were the prisoners rations each meals?

The prisoners rations are a small chunk of salami and a piece of stale bread.

What were the prisoner’s rations at each meal?

The prisoners rations are a small chunk of salami and a piece of stale bread.

What do the prisoners do each time they enter a new camp in the book Night?

In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, the prisoners are typically subjected to a selection process upon entering a new camp. This involves being inspected by SS officers to decide who is fit for labor and who should be sent to the gas chambers. The prisoners also often endure harsh conditions, lack of food, and overcrowded sleeping quarters when they enter a new camp.

What three conceration camps was Elie apart of in the book night?

Elie Wiesel was imprisoned in three different concentration camps during the Holocaust as depicted in the book "Night": Auschwitz, Buna, and Buchenwald. Each camp subjected its prisoners to unimaginable suffering and loss.

What happens when a workman throws bread into the wagon in night book?

When a workman throws bread into the wagon in "Night" by Elie Wiesel, it triggers a scramble for survival among the starving prisoners. The bread becomes a symbol of hope and desperation, leading to a brutal fight as prisoners fight each other to grab a piece of bread, showcasing the dehumanizing effect of the concentration camps.

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Read the book

What was cruel about people throwing pieces of bread in the cattle cars in the book Night?

Throwing bread into the cattle cars created chaos and desperation among the hungry prisoners fighting for food. It reduced the prisoners to a basic survival instinct as they fought each other for sustenance. It also highlighted the inhumane conditions and lack of compassion within the concentration camps.

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In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, the other prisoners in the cattle car try to calm Mrs. Schächter down by restraining her and even hitting her in order to stop her from screaming about the fire she sees in her vision.

How many people were loaded into each cattle car in the book Night?

In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, around 80 people were loaded into each cattle car during the transport to Auschwitz. The cramped conditions and lack of ventilation caused great suffering during the journey.

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How do you write an ideal menu for dinner breakfast and lunch?

Look at the food pyramid's rations for each type of food. Separate your favorite foods into categories on the food pyramid, you can try looking them up online. Then divide the rations and add the individual amounts for each meal to make sure they match up with the food pyramid's rations. Enjoy your meals!

Were the Holocaust prisoners friendly to each other?

That varied a lot. A few prisoners became Kapos and were abominably cruel to the prisoners that they supervised. It is worth mentioning that many of the homosexuals who perished were by killed by other prisoners.