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hi im cintia lugo and im goin to tell you how the pilgrims died on the mayflower.the pilgrims died on the mayflower because they got sick by the water because they had do drink it when it was bad disgusting water but they drank it to survive.they ate rotten food because they had no choice because thats all they had and they had no choice so they ate it.they had small rooms so they were kinda suffercated.some got sea thats why they died

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They had to go 65 days with off and on showers of rain. Some got seasick and one died.

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Q: What are some of the dangers the pilgrims faced on the mayflower?
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Why the pilgrims sign the Mayflower Compact?

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Why did the pilgrims sign the Mayflower Compact?

The pilgrims did not neccesarily have to make the Mayflower Compact, but decided to make it to have some type of order in the "desolate" land they were entering.

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The Mayflower was the ship that transported the Pilgrims to the New World. The mayflower was a popular flower in England. Some historians believe a mayflower was carved on the Mayflower's stern.

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Pilgrims (some say Saints) and Strangers. Refer back to the Mayflower Compact.

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Why did the pilgrims write the Mayflower compact?

The pilgrims did not necessarily have to make the Mayflower Compact, but decided to make it to have some type of order in the desolate land they were entering. The Mayflower compact allowed for self government and more being homosexual an being white

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Did the Pilgrims get headaches?

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What were some problems the pilgrims faced?

Getting moved to Reservations