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Q: The group in the white southern society that most objected to the institution of slavery was the?
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The group of white southern society that most objected to the institution of slavery was the?

Hill People

How did the Civil War helped bring an end to slavery?

Union troops liberated many Southern slaves, who were eventually allowed to serve in the army, and acquire full citizenship. The war also devastated Southern society, bringing ruin to the slave-owners. The institution of slavery was dead.

What was Alexis de Tocqueville's opinion of the Southern states?

He was critical of a Southern economy and society that was based on slavery.

In what ways was slavery detrimental to southern society?

the slavery has destroyed my foot for the south. In the salad, slaveary can destroy my leg

What is Richard Furman's exposition on slavery about?

In Furman's defense on slavery, he essentially utilizes the Bible to justify the institution; furthermore, he also states that the maintenance of slavery is necessary for the good of society at the time.

What traditions and institutions were destroyed by the conflict of the civil war on southern society?

Slavery, and the (bogus) sense of Southern aristocracy in general.

Why did slavery start at the cape?

No one knows where slavery began. The institution of slavery pre-dates written history and existed in every society until the 19th century, when it began to be abolished country by country.

Does the existence of slavery in a society make it more or less democratic?

Slavery had existed in many modern and ancient civilizations. For the most part, the US Civil War had ended the institution of slavery in all developed nations. Any society that tolerates the existence of slavery is at once a society that has serious flaws. Where slavery has existed, the slaves in a society had few civil rights if any at all. Any civilization which tolerates slavery is not one that can be called "democratic" in the broad sense of that term.

Why was the south a distinctive society by 1750?

The South's commitment to the institution of slavery made is a distinctive society in 1750. Britain thought of the South as the most valuable part of North America.

How did the dependence on agriculture and slavery shape southern society?

The South was an agricultural society. Farms, especially before the advent of machines, required labor. Slavery provided cheap labor. This added another level to society. The financial standing of families was often valued by the number of slaves that were owned.

What of these was characteristic of Southern society in 1850?

large plantations slavery little industry mostly flat geography

What were some of the proslaverly arguments?

Proslavery arguments were based on the notion that slavery was a necessary part of the economy and a "positive good" for slaves. Those who supported slavery argued that it was a beneficial institution providing economic stability and protection for the slaves. Some of the most common proslavery arguments included: Slavery was beneficial to the slaves providing them with a secure and stable life protection and basic needs like food clothing and shelter. Slavery provided economic stability for the slave-owning class. Slavery was a necessary evil for the continuation of the Southern economy. Slavery was a natural way of life and the slaves were better off in servitude than in a free society. Slavery was a form of punishment for people who had done wrong in the past. Slavery was a form of "divine mandate" from God.Ultimately proslavery arguments were attempts to justify the institution of slavery and to refute any moral or ethical objections to it.