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Though thought and ideas are essentials to both education and philosophy, education essentially means the communication, spreading and propagation of both while philosophy doesn't essentially mean it or do it.

Education is a process in which someone undertakes to learn something under the guidance of someone within some physical, social and cultural setting and context. Philosophy is one of the somethings which one can undertake to study under guidance.

Philosophy is a fund of knowledge which addresses questions such as

(1) What is knowledge and how do we know?

(2) What is a sound or unsound argument and how do we know?

(3) What is good and what is bad and why is it good or bad?

(4) Are things absolutely good and bad or can they be relatively better or worse and why?

(5) What is ethical and inethical and what makes it so?

(6) What is beautiful and what makes it beautiful?

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Q: The difference between philosophy and education?
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