you're probably the same person i answered for the other question but i remember another one that a teenage boy"s grandfather died and he recommended before he died for him to go this academy school only for girls, so he had to make himself as a girl so he can go. for more details ask me. :)
There are many many MANY anime's about boys turning into girls, but the most famous is Ranma 1 1/2. Its About a Boy who turns into a girl by being splashed by cold water and turning back into a boy by splashed with hot water.
There are some, but they portray these characters with varying degrees of sensitivity and accuracy. There are also numerous anime which feature transgender minor characters.
Claudine, published in 1978 and authored by Riyoko Ikeda, was one of the first bits of Japanese media to cover the topic of transgenderism.
Family Compo, Bokura no Hentai, Ai no Shintariku and Wandering Son are four other manga which revolve around transgender characters, though only Wandering Son has an anime adaptation.
Another notable transgender character in anime is Grell Sutcliffe from the anime/manga Black Butler, though she is more heavily featured in the anime.
In anime, Crona is a boy. In Manga, Crona is a girl
Gurren lagan!
I'm Pretty sure the anime you are looking for is called School Rumble. I might be wrong, but it does have a bad boy who falls in love.
a boy -Its been listed that She is a boy in the English version. --- Opacho is actually female. In the Japanese version of the anime they use female terms for her. Also, it is stated in her biography in the manga it says she is girl.
lovely complex onegai teacher kanokon
In anime, Crona is a boy. In Manga, Crona is a girl
i think eruka frog is the most beautiful anime girl <3
Yaoi if it's boy-boy. Yuri if it's girl-girl.
Zoicite is a boy in the Japanese anime version, English manga version, and a girl in the English dubbed anime version.
It was never said in the anime.
It means that the boy thinks the girl is attractive.
Bagi, The monster of mighty nature
No, Miki is a character in the anime "Shugo Chara!" and she is a girl. She is one of the main characters and represents the sporty personality trait.
Pikachu has been confirmed to be a boy in the anime.
When a boy turns into a girl they have their junk cut off or a girl turns into a boy and gets junk of their own
Crona is a boy in anime, in manga Crona is a girl. in the English dubbed anime Crona is said to be a boy by most of the girl characters, but in the English sub they talk as if Crona is a girl. his or her gender was never actual confirmed no matter what you hear its just people guessing because someone calls Crona a he or she in the manga or anime.
Special A.