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Q: Is the owner or driver liable for damages in a collision?
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Who is liable for damages from an hit-and-run unlicensed driver and the insured owner of the vehicle was the passenger?

Both the Driver and the Owner are liable for the damages. The driver, whether licensed or not is the primarily liable party. The insured passenger owner is secondarily liable for damages by the unlicensed driver he permitted to operate his vehicle.

Who is liable if your underage son drives your car?

The owner of the vehicle is going to be held liable for any damages caused by the underage driver.

Can a owner who is also a driver parked a vehicle and vehicle start rolling down claim from insurance co the payment for repairs?

Yes, if you have collision insurance. It would be a collision claim and you would have to pay what your collision deductible is. If your car caused damage to someone else's vehicle or property, you would also be liable for the damages.

When drag racing or joyriding who is liable?

the driver and the owner is liable for anything

Who is Liable of personal vehicle used for job?

The driver and the owner is liable.

Your 16 year old son took the car without permission and has no license he was in a car accident in ny Nassau county Is the parent liable or the owner of the vehicle?

A parent is liable of any damages their children do. The car owner is not liable for any damages caused if the vehicle was stolen.

If an unlicensed uninsured minor driving a car with the owners permission has a parking lot accident is the owner liable or the minors parent?

The insurance company is not liable for paying damages. The minor was knowingly breaking the law by driving w/o a license. The parent of the child will be held liable for damages. As will the person/owner of the vehicle if they knew the minor was not a legally licensed driver. If you let an un liscensed/uninsured minor driver your vehicle, your asking for it. If you werent the parent of the minor, they could sue you as well for neglect.

Who is liable for my adult daughter's car accident?

Who is the owner of the car your adult daughter was driving, you or her? If you, you can both be liable. Her as the driver, and you as the owner of the vehicle

If the driver of a car is liable for an accident who is liable the owner of the car or the driver's insurance company?

The owner of the car is liable for the accident itself and the damage. However, the insurance company might have to pay for it, depending on the owners insurance cover.

What happens if an uninsured driver has an accident in your car?

Both the "Driver and the Vehicle Owner" can be held jointly and severally "Liable" for an accident. If the driver of your vehicle was at fault and had the permissive use of your vehicle, Both the driver and the vehicle owner can be sued for damages and injuries. The driver, If at fault, would be financially liable because he was the direct cause of the accident. The vehicle owner is financially liable because of fault through the owners negligence in allowing an uninsured driver to operate your vehicle. The legal rational being that had you not allowed this uninsured person to operate your vehicle, the accident would never have occurred. So the owner is also a direct causation factor in the accident through the owners negligence. It's not a good idea to let people drive your vehicle if your not sure your insurance will cover them, Basically it is the responsibility of a vehicle owner to insure that all permissive use drivers are covered. As the owner you can be left with the bill for all damages and injuries sustained as a result of your choice to loan out your vehicle.

Auto accident other driver was not owner nor insurer of car?

I was recently involved in a car accident in which the driver of the other car is legally at fault. Is the other party's insurance still liable for damages involved if the at fault driver is: 1. not the owner of the car, 2. not the insurer of the car, 3. does not have a license. Thanks!

Who is responsible if tree falls on road?

If a tree falls on a road, Presumably a public road just call the city or county, They will have it removed. If a tree falls on a private road. Call the owner of the road. It would be his responsibility to remove it.