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They would not be covered under your policy, But due to implied permissive use rules you can be held negligently liable. So your auto insurance may provide a defense for you under a negligence claim against you.

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Q: If your daughter lets someone drive your car and they do not have auto insurance and gets into an accident will my insurance cover the cost of repairs?
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If you hit someone in an accident does your insurance pay for the repairs?

If you hit someone in a car accident and you have auto insurance even if they don't your insurance will cover repairing both automobiles.This is why you carry insurance. You will not be charged anything for the repairs to the other persons automobile.It is always best to let the insurance pay for it! It beats the other party suing you, that can get ral ugly and make your insurance go way up if you loose.

If you let someone ride your motorcycle and he crashed it do you file a claim with his insurance or your own for the repairs?

insurance follows the vehicle, not the driver. If you loan your vehicle to someone, you assume the risk of them having an accident. Only if there is no insurance on the vehicle would the driver's insurance become effective for the loss of a vehicle not owned by him.

If you are driving someone else's car does your liability insurance pay repairs to the vehicle you are driving?

No, liability insurance is when there are injuries involved. If you are injured in an accident when someone else is driving your car, your liability insurance would cover your medical costs. Comprehensive and collision insurance on the car you were driving should pay for damages to the vehicle.

Will your car insurance cover your daughter if she has an accident?

Car insurance is designed to cover your vehicle should you need to allow someone to use it. There may be some difficulties with coverage if it is being primarily driven by someone who isn't rated on the policy.

If someone's insurance is paying for your car repairs can you make them have it towed and repaired in your hometown 125 miles from the accident?

No. The shop choice is yours, however, the insurance company only owes for reasonable towing expenses to the nearest repair facility.

What can you do if you have liability who was hit by someone with liability insurance?

If you have liability for an accident, you will need to contact your insurance company. If you do not have liability insurance, you may need to pay for the accident out of pocket.

What should the insurance pay if someone drives a car in to your place of business?

The insurance company will make every effort to put you back in the same position as your were in before the accident. in other words, they will make necessary repairs to the building and contents to as close as it was before the accident. They will probably make some effort to come to an agreement as to what the accident cost you in terms of any loss of income if any occurred.

How does car insurance work after an accident?

The way car insurance works after an accident is that a report must be made to the insurance company. They will review it and then decide what you new insurance cost will be. Answer: Accidents need to be reported to your insurance company as soon as possible whether you or someone else caused the accident. If police were called to the scene then you must obtain a copy of the police report as well to be sent to your insurance company. All of this if you plan to file the insurance claim through your or the other drivers insurance. Some have accidents but the repairs are so minor that they pay out of pocket rather than getting the insurance companies involved.

What insurance provides medical and property damage coverage if you are in an accident with someone who does not have insurance?

Usually your own insurance.

What type of car insurance is needed if you injure someone else in an accident?

naidu insurance

What if someone drives your car and has an accident?

Your insurance rate will increase.

What are car insurance laws in California if someone hits me and they are at fault?

They or their insurance company needs to pay for damage and medical bills in the accident. If they don't have insurance, they can still be sued for the accident by the victims insurance company.