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Comprehensive and your rates will increase. After all, you are a danger to invisible poles everywhere.

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Q: If you hit a pole you did not see while backing out of a parking space what part of your insurance would cover your car comprehensive or collision and how will it effect your insurance rates?
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Who is at fault in a car accident when you're backing out your parking and hes parked in a no parking zone?

If you strike him - you are at fault. He can be charged with the No Parking violation but YOU are charged with the collision.

What do you do if you hit a car in the parking lot but you have no collision on your insurance?

drive away

Who is at fault for a collision when two cars are backing out in a parking lot?

Its logical.........the person who backed out while the other person was at it!

Does your insurance cover if you bumped into a car in a parking lot?

yes if you have collision coverage.

What is the difference between auto comphrehensive and auto collision insurance coverage?

Collision covers damage from collisions only, whether it is a fender-bender in the parking lot, running into the garage, or a traffic accident. Comprehensive covers damage "other than by collision", that would be hail, flood, vandalism, windshield pits, etc.

What type of insurance will cover damages to your car if you hit a deer while driving through a parking lot?

Actually, hitting a deer is generally covered by your comprehensive coverage, not collision. Comprehensive covers "acts of God," which include hitting animals because it was an act of God that the animal was there at that time. Reading your insurance policy will clarify exactly which kinds of claims are covered by which types of insurance. There are 3 catagories for car insurance: 1. Liability (covers you if you hit someone else) 2. Comprehensive (covers you if an uninsured driver hits you), and 3. Collision (covers you if you hit something -for instance, a deer-)

Who is responsible when backing out in a parking lot?

The person who is backing out of the parking space

What kind of insurance policy would cover your car in the event it is hit in a parking lot?

That would be comprehensive coverage. Anonymous is wrong! It would be collision. It doesn't matter if the vehicle was occupied or parked. If something on the ground collides with your auto it is a collision claim. If your car is hit, then, yes, collision insurance covers it, but the *other driver's* collision. In the event that the other driver does not have or does not have enough collision insurance, you will need uninsured/underinsured motorist covered to pay for your loss, which, by the way, also pays for your loss if your car was hit in the parking lot and the other driver took off (i.e., hit-and-run). Comprehensive coverage will take care of this in NY. Vandalism I am a experienced agent for a large company, if the driver does not turn himself in to you it would be covered under the comprehensive portion of your contract. (and would be considered vandalism).if the driver stays and his company pays the expense it would be covered under collison on his policy.

If you have comprehensive but not full coverage and an unknown object hits your car while in a parking lot will the insurance pay for the damage?

No. Sorry, it will be an "out of pocket" expense for you. ? Yes it will. Just discussed this with my agent. Collision covers your vehicle damage if you hit something else and Comprehensive covers damage if someone (or something) hits you.

Vehicle gets hit while pulling out of parking space by a car that is going backwards and hits the side of your car who is liable under new york law?

It will probably depend on who was backing out first. The first one backing should have the right of way. Also the driving laws don't officially apply in private parking lots. The insurance companies will look at the collision based on driving laws though.

When a car is hit in a parking lot is it a comprehensive or collision claim?

Collision generally covers you in collisions with other cars or property; comprehensive generally covers you in accidents that don't involve other cars, such as animal hits, weather-related losses, and theft or vandalism. So you are covered under collision coverage !

Who is at fault when backing up in a parking lot aisle and someone turns the corner causing a collision?

Same thing happened to me in CA & we were found to both be at fault....