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If you have a minor driving your vehicle without having them listed on your insurance policy, then the insurance company will most likely deny any and all coverage if they should ever have an accident in the vehicle. You are not paying for insurance for them to drive the vehicle, so why should you expect them to pay the claim? You policy states that you agree to notify the company of all drivers and by not doing that you have committed material misrepresentation which means you broke the contract. If you broke the contract they are not liable to keep their part of the contract.

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Q: If you have full coverage insurance and let a minor borrow your car will they still be covered?
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If a minor has been removed from his parents' insurance since 'he never drives the car' is he covered if he is driving a friend's car?

He has no coverage. Unless the minor gets insurance elsewhere. He would likely be covered as a permissive driver of the friend's car, under the friend's policy.

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As the driver is a minor child, the Custodial Parent or other Custodial Entity is Financially Liable for the acts of the minor child. An auto accident may or may not be covered under the Custodians Auto insurance Policy depending on whether the child is covered or excluded from coverage on that Policy.

Will your homeowners insurance pay for damage caused by your minor son off of the property?

Check your Home owners insurance policy for Liability coverage. If you have liability coverage on your policy, you have coverage for your liabilities for certain kinds of accidental damage to the property of another, but it really depends on the circumstances and nature of the occurrence. Illegal or intentional acts are typically bot covered. Contact your insurance insurance agent for specifics.

Does insurance cover a minor driver who is not on your policy?

If they are not on your policy then they are not covered.

Who is billed for the treatment of an emancipated minor?

Emancipated minors are typically responsible for their own medical bills, as they are legally considered adults and can enter into contracts for medical care. In some cases, insurance coverage may apply if the minor is covered under a parent's insurance plan.

Is a fall on a wet deck covered by medical insurance or homeowners?

It depends on who fell and why. Homeowners Insurance is Property InsuranceHomeowners Insurance may sometimes provide a very small amount of coverage for minor household related injuries for the named insured.Visitor injuries would be subject to home owners liability terms.Major Medical insurance provides comprehensive coverage up to the policy limits regardless of where a personal injury occurred.It's much better to handle it with your medical insurer.Answer.homeowners

Can you have your own auto insurance policy if you live at home with your parents?

Yes, you can have your own auto insurance policy. If you are a minor though, you will need your legal gaurdian to countersign your application for insurance coverage.

Are you covered under your parents health insurance if you are pregnant and a minor?

This will depend on the kind of health insurance your parents have. Some health insurance may cover pregnancy while others do not. You will need to contact your insurance agent and ask them about your family coverage.You should also have a insurance booklet that states what treatments and doctor visits are covered and what is not covered.

What is the difference between regular health insurance and major medical health insurance?

The difference between regular health insurance and major health insurance boils down to coverage. Regular health insurance covers basic procedures such as check ups, minor illnesses and minor injuries. Major health insurance is purchased when one wants coverage for more serious health conditions such as broken bones, serious traumatic injuries and cancer treatments.

Is at fault driver responsible for her cosmetic bumper repair in minor accident?

Actually, this will be covered by your insurance co.

What is the average payout homeowner insurance pay for injuries due to neglect against a minor child?

None. Homeowners Insurance Policies do not provide coverage for liability incurred while engaged in a criminal act. Homeowners Insurance provides property protection for hazard losses caused by covered perils and may offer protection from certain liabilities incidental to home ownership.

Can a claim be made on our home insurance because my husband fell on our driveway?

No, That's what Medical Insurance is for. Homeowners insurance is "Property Insurance", not personal injury or medical insurance. Home insurance usually come with a small amount of medical coverage, (500 to 1k dollars) for minor household injuries. Contact your insurance carrier to determine if you have this coverage. Most home insurance policies also carry liability coverage in the event you are held liable for injury to a third party. The named insured can not be liable to themselves.