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The red shift doesn't just indicate that there is evidence for the Big Bang theory: the Hubble red shift is evidence supporting the Big Bang theory.

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Q: How might the redshift indicate there is evidence for the big bang theory?
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What is the reason that a theory might be replaced with a new theory?

a theory is an explanation to a specific question being studied. it has been tested many times. it might be replaced with a new theory because new information come and so the past information will be improved.

Is the big bang theory a load of crap?

It is the current working theory of the origin of the universe. It is the paradigm that Astronomy is based upon. But, new evidence is always being described. The theory itself might change as our knowledge grows.

What scientist believe provides evidence of the big bang theory?

Scientists do not sit in the coffeeshop and dream up a theory and thengo looking for evidence to support it. Scientists make observations andmeasurements of what IS ... the "evidence" you might say ... and then tryto put together a theory to explain what they see.The "Big Bang" theory is the best explanation so far for the observation that allgalaxies in every direction are receding from us at speeds that are proportionalto their distance from us, and for the observation that all of space is filled withan almost uniform level of electromagnetic radiation with a distribution of wavelengthsthat is characteristic of a blackbody at the temperature of 2.7 K, and for theobservation that on the largest scale, the universe consists of roughly 75%hydrogen and 24% helium.

What might a scientist look for to collect evidence about the formation of a volcano?

They might eat chicken

What minerals Indicate That A Diamond Might Be Present?

They look for the rock Kimberlite.

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What might cause scientists to change scientific theory?

Because technology might change in the future.

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When the historian has no evidence to back up his theory

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That theory does not appear in the records. Remember that many evidence and records have been lost.

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Doppler-shifted stellar spectrum and physics calculations that indicate a low-mass object

What might cause scienctists to reject a popular theory?

Scientists treat all theories the same way, popular or not. They will reject any theory if evidence appears which contradicts it.

What does theories predictions and evidence mean in Science?

theory- Studying something then making a prediction. Then you study a little bit more and thinking your THEORY was right. so theory and prediction are almost the same thing. Prediction- The difference between theory and prediction is that a prediction is a guess it isn't exactly right but you think it might happen. Evidence- Is what you need to make sure your THEORY is correct.

Is the big bang theory a load of crap?

It is the current working theory of the origin of the universe. It is the paradigm that Astronomy is based upon. But, new evidence is always being described. The theory itself might change as our knowledge grows.

What is the reason that a theory might be replaced with a new theory?

a theory is an explanation to a specific question being studied. it has been tested many times. it might be replaced with a new theory because new information come and so the past information will be improved.

Why might a scientists theory might not be believed even if it correct?

A scientist's theory might not be believed even it is correct, if the theory is such a radical departure from existing beliefs that it seems bizarre. The theory of continental drift (which, of course, was eventually accepted) was resisted for decades because it just seemed obvious to people that the continents are not drifting, since we do not notice any such motion. It could also happen that a scientist has a valid theory but has not adequately explained, or experimentally tested that theory. Other scientists require evidence in order to accept a theory.

What is another word for to give evidence?

proof, grounds, demonstration, confirmation, verification, corroboration, authentication, substantiation

Why was wegener's theory not accepted by all scientists?

Wegner's theory was not accept because he didn't have much evidence to support his theory with and scientists thought that there might have been a land bridge between the continents. Another reason to why his theory was rejected was that he was a foreigner, by that; the scientists didn't really take him seriously.

Why is there is no absolute certainty or scientific truth in a theory?

A "law" contains absolute certainty or scientific truth. A theory is very close to being a law, but without the absoluteness. That is what a theory is. If you have a pretty good idea of how something in science might work you might form a hypothesis (hye-POTH-uh-suss). With enough additional proofs and evidence, a hypothesis may someday turn into a theory.