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To my knowledge, the longer one stays uninsured, the more expensive insurance coverage will be when purchased.

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Q: How long must one stay uninsured before it will be cheaper to buy insurance?
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If someone hit your car and didnt have insurance is it covered by uninsured motorist?

Yes as long as your policy has uninsured motorist coverage on your policy.

How long can you go with auto insurance before they give a penalty?

You are subject to a ticket for driving without insurance the moment one wheel of an uninsured vehicle touches the pavement of a public road under it's own power.

How long will your license be suspended for uninsured driver in an accident?

Until you obtain auto insurance and prove to the court that you are now insured.

My wife doesn't have a drivers license can that stop me from getting auto insurance?

That shouldn't keep you from getting auto insurance as long as she is not listed as a designated driver of your vehicle. If your uninsured wife should drive and be involved in an accident with another driver, your insurance will not pay.

What happens if you have car insurance but the person that hits you does not?

You can sue them in small claims court for your deserved money as long as you have proof of the damage. If you have Uninsured Motorist coverage, it will pay for the damage, minus any deductible.

Understanding Uninsured Motorist Insurance In New Jersey?

New Jersey requires that drivers hold uninsured motorist insurance because of the number of drivers in the state who are on the roads without proper coverage. This type of insurance will cover the damages that are caused by another driver in an accident if that driver does not have insurance. Many insurers will also include coverage in the case of an underinsured driver who does have insurance but whose policy does not pay enough to cover the damages that are incurred. Uninsured motorist insurance will help to make up the difference in compensation between what a driver should receive and what the negligent individual can pay. It does not provide extra money above what the main insurance policy would normally pay. One of the key elements that can dictate whether a driver will receive money due to an accident with an uninsured driver is the issue of liability. New Jersey has comparative negligence laws in place. This means that the fault for an accident can be placed on more than one individual. The uninsured driver must be found to have a larger portion of negligence than the driver with insurance. If the policyholder is found to have the larger portion of fault in an accident then the uninsured motorist coverage will not be applicable. The actual definition for who is an uninsured driver in New Jersey is not always clear and can actually be applied to a broad range of individuals. A person is considered uninsured if they are not holding any liability coverage. A person can also be considered uninsured or underinsured if they have some form of liability coverage but the amount of the policy is not enough to pay for any damages that have been caused. Another definition for an uninsured motorist is a person who had insurance when the accident occurred but then subsequently had their claim denied so that no payments are made to the victim of the accident. Some situations can occur where the person who is at fault for an accident is not present after the accident or is completely unknown. Uninsured motorist insurance in New Jersey will pay for the damages that were caused by an anonymous individual if there is some evidence that the covered driver was not at fault. This can help a driver to regain the use of their vehicle quickly and pay for medical bills but can also lead to a long litigation process once the individual who caused the accident is found.

Is e insurance more expensive than if you go through a regular insurance company?

Esurance is typically a cheaper alternative to other insurance companies at first, but then their prices will increase without warning after long time use.

What is good about a high deductible?

You will have the lowest possible monthly premiums, but will have to satisfy the deductible before any insurance pays out. In some cases, the deductible can be a couple thousand dollars. One has to fully weigh the differences in the long run - it may be cheaper (and cause less headaches) to have a lower deductible insurance plan.

Is your full coverage insurance still in force even though you were cited for expired plates and involved in accident that was an uninsured driver's fault?

Depends On How Strict Your Insurance Company Is, Also How Long Were The Plates Expired. But From Your Info Sounds Like You Should Be OK. Do Hope This Helps

If an uninsured driver with permission from an insured car's owner gets into an accident will insurance cover the other vehicle's damage?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. So as long as the automobile is insured, so is the driver. Just make sure the driver has a valid driver's license.

What happens if you drive another car that is not registered and uninsured?

Nothing, as long as you don't get stopped and you have no accidents. If you do get stopped or have an accident, then you will be in trouble. The vehicle may get taken off the road, or you may have to deal with insurance problems.

Uninsured child borrows parents car that is insured and child has a wreck does insurance company have to pay out?

As long as he had permission, then yes. If you are going to try to claim that he/she didn't have permission, that's a whole other story.