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Q: How does odysseus convince penelope that he is her husband?
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What test does Odysseus pass to prove that he is Penelope's husband?

Penelope asks Odysseus if he will arrange to have his bed moved out of their bedroom while she gets used to him being home. Odysseus replies that this is impossible because the bed is built around a tree which grows within and forms a fundamental part of the structure of the palace and so to move it would be impossible. Only Odysseus would have known this and so he passes Penelope's test.

What character traits does Penelope reveal in her interactions with Odysseus disguised as a beggar?

Penelope shows compassion, dignity, and pride when she chides the Melantho for rebuking Odysseus (the beggar). She shows modesty and wisdom as she downplays her beauty. In getting Odysseus to talk with her, Penelope shows curiousity, as well as the desire for refined company. Her weeping further shows her compassion and emotional being, as well as her faithfulness to her 'dead' husband. Penelope's admission that there are sluts in her house, shows her knowledge, but again her wisdom and restraint in not throwing them out.

What do the suitors say to Odysseus to convince him not to kill them?

The suitors did not convince Odysseus to let them live. Odysseus locked them all in a room and killed them

What does Odysseus do to convince the swineherd that Odysseus is coming back?

why not

What did Penelope ask the beggar when she was seeking information about her husband?

Penelope asked the beggar what he remembered about Odysseus, what he looked like etc. The beggar was easily able to answer these questions. She asked these questions to ensure that the beggar was not just making up a story to get her hopes up. She made sure that the beggar truly had seen Odysseus.

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Why were Calypso and Circe unable to convince Odysseus to stay?

Because Odysseus loved his wife Penelope too much to stay.

What does Penelope think Odysseus is?

Penelope believes that Odysseus is dead and will not return to Ithaca after the Trojan War. She is surrounded by suitors who are pressuring her to choose one of them as her new husband.

How does Odysseus finally convince Penelope to accept him?

He tells a childhood story that only he would know.

How is Eurycleia loyal to Penelope?

Although Eurycleia is considered Odysseus' mistress, she tells Penelope that her husband is home from Troy

What are some relatives or spouses of Penelope from Greek mythology?

Penelope's husband was Odysseus. She was the daughter of Icarius and Periboea. Her son was Telemachus.

What does Penelope reprimand Telemachus for?

Penelope reprimands him for treating the stranger to the castle roughly. At this time she does not know that the stranger is Odysseus, her husband.

True or false The disguised Odysseus tells Penelope that her husband is alive and well?

True. In the epic poem "The Odyssey," Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, tells Penelope that her husband is alive and well, but has not returned home yet. Penelope is skeptical at first but eventually believes him.

Is Odysseus a god from mount Olympus?

No, Odysseus is King of Ithaca, husband of Penelope, father of Telemachus, and son of Laërtes and Anticlea

What is Penelope's final test to prove her husband's identity?

Penelope's final test for Odysseus is to ask him to move their bed, which Odysseus built himself and knows cannot be moved because it is constructed from an olive tree trunk that is part of the structure of their home. Odysseus passes the test by revealing this secret detail, allowing Penelope to finally recognize him as her husband.