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Put The Red Arrow Near The Middle And Throw The Ball (Thats How I Do It

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Q: How do you get a strike every time on WII sports?
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How can you get a strike on Wii fit?

Bowling is not an option on Wii Fit. However, on Wii Sports (and Wii Sports Resort), you get a strike as you normally would in real life bowling.

Do you get Wii sports with every Wii?


How do you get a 91 pin strike on Wii sports?

Roll on the thing at the side, between you and the gutter.

How do you get a strike turkey on Wii sports?

A turkey is three strikes in a row. It comes after the double.

How do you always bowl a strike on Wii sports resort 10 pin bowling?

No. Not always

How do you get a pin dropper stamp for Wii sports resort?

Bowl a strike or a spare on every throw. A strike is when you knock off all the pins in one go and a spare is when you knock off all the pins in your two throws.

Does the game Wii Sports come with every Wii console?

No, the game Wii-Play comes with the Wii console.

Can you buy the Nintendo Wii system without the wii sport in best buy?

Nope, every Nintendo wii comes with wii sports or wii sports resort. However, you can probably find one online.

How do you throw a splitter in wii sports baseball?

You need to hold down the A button and the B button at the same time. Also, this pitch can't be thrown in the strike zone.

Why is that Wii Sports - Bowling from the Nintendo Wii gives you more Strikes than Wii Sports Resort - Bowling?

More than likly the bowling activity was not made using the same code so what is considered a strike zone in Wii Sports is larger then that of resort. PRobally a diffrent programer or the programer didnt copy and paste the lines of code for the bowling.

Get Wii points on Wii sports?

You cant get Wii Points on Wii Sports

How do you cheat in Wii sports?

There are no cheats for Wii sports