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Q: How do you fall asleep faster when your scared?
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How do I fall asleep faster?

If you want to go to sleep faster, you just have to try and stay awake. It's like a reverse thing. Try it out. It actually works.

How do you fall asleep at night when you're scared?

Think Of Something Exciting:D

How can I fall asleep when I'm so frightened?

think of something your not scared of

What are methods one can use in order to learn to fall asleep easier?

There are a lot of books and pills that can help you fall asleep faster. In fact, there are sometimes seminars by doctors giving you tips for falling asleep faster.

What makes you fall asleep faster any tips?

There are some medicines that help people fall asleep faster. Another tip is getting plenty of exercise which may tire you out.

What is the name of the disorder when you fall asleep when being too scared?

It is a form of 'narcolepsy'.

Why do people count sheep?

so that they can fall asleep faster

Why most people fall asleep faster?

because they probobaly have milk with there dinner

What are some tips on how to fall asleep faster?

Some tips on how to fall asleep faster are to avoid electronics in the room, keep the room clean, remove clocks from the room, drink camomile tea, and reduce your activity before bedtime.

What is NitroQuick?

NitroQuick is a form of medication for people who have heart problems. it makes them fall asleep faster and and easier.

How do you make the days go by faster?

Don't look at the clock or just fall asleep.!

How can you comfort someone who's scared of the dark?

Tell them that there is nothing to be afraid of, or sit with them for awhile until they fall asleep and then put them to bed.