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think of something your not scared of

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Q: How can I fall asleep when I'm so frightened?
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Why does Professor Layton Luke and Flora fall asleep in the carriage near the bridge on Diabolical Box?

luke layton and flora fall asleep in the carrige because when the carriges swap the molentery express wants their passangers asleep so they use flowers that make you fall asleep

Do you wash penis or vagina after sex or do you fall asleep with them sticky?

you fall asleep when your sticky ...... ...but i dont shower so yeah dirty boy/girl get a bath

Why are you always the last one asleep?

You are always the last person to fall asleep because you have so much on your mind.

How does Hermes get Argus to fall asleep so he can kill him?

He plays to him on his lyre.

What causes your hand to fall asleep?

Well your hand falls asleep because the cut off of blood circulation in the blood vein. So like if you have you arm on a corner for a certain amount of time it causes your are to fall asleep.

Why do your feet tingle when they fall asleep?

your foot tingles when you fall asleep because the nerves are no longer being compressed so the feeling comes back with a prickly tingly feeling.

Do animal body parts fall asleep like human body parts do?

No, animal body parts do not fall asleep in the same way that human body parts do. The phenomenon of "falling asleep" typically refers to the temporary loss of sensation or tingling that humans experience when a nerve is compressed. While animals may experience similar sensations if a nerve is compressed, they do not have the same concept of falling asleep as humans do.

How long does it take for a human body to fully fall asleep?

I have heard that it takes your body a complete 2 hours to fall asleep. but im not sure of this information. An average tired person should take between 20 - 30 minutes to fall asleep. If it takes you shorter than this, you're overtired and should consider changing your sleep schedule. If longer, consider exercising more or setting your alarm so you wake up earlier and have longer to tire yourself out.

Why does your cat fall asleep when drinking?

Because it is so relaxed while it is drinking

What time does te guard at the magma pool fall asleep on neopets?

He does not its just a random event. So he can be asleep at anytime that you check if you are lucky.

How do you make someone fall asleep by grabbing their shoulder?

Its not actually the shoulder your grabbing. You grab underneath the acromial (clavicle bone) and there is a pressure point there. You can press it hard enough so they pass out but not fall asleep.

Im 13 I cant sleep usually because im too hot sometimes because of thinking too much what can i do?

I am thirteen also, and I used to have this problem too. I #1 Asked for God to help me fall asleep, and #2 I thought about all the things I had to do the next day...this usually bored me, so I ended up falling asleep. God Bless! I am 13 and i get a wet paper towel and put in freezer then after a few min i lay on my stomach may have to repeat ===>>> LISTEN TO A TALK RADIO SHOW <<<=== if you are anything like me you will get bored by it and fall asleep