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I have heard that it takes your body a complete 2 hours to fall asleep.

but im not sure of this information.

An average tired person should take between 20 - 30 minutes to fall asleep. If it takes you shorter than this, you're overtired and should consider changing your sleep schedule. If longer, consider exercising more or setting your alarm so you wake up earlier and have longer to tire yourself out.

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Q: How long does it take for a human body to fully fall asleep?
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How long does it take a human body to fall asleep?

It takes the average person seven minutes to fall asleep

Do animal body parts fall asleep like human body parts do?

No, animal body parts do not fall asleep in the same way that human body parts do. The phenomenon of "falling asleep" typically refers to the temporary loss of sensation or tingling that humans experience when a nerve is compressed. While animals may experience similar sensations if a nerve is compressed, they do not have the same concept of falling asleep as humans do.

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It happens when you fall asleep, But you are fully aware of your surroundings, Sensitive to light, Sounds and what not. It feels as if your asleep, But you are somewhat paralised from moving, But when you emerge from this, You are semi refreshed.

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your body gets tired

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Fall asleep is future tense Ex. I am going to fall asleep. Fell asleep is past tense Ex. I fell asleep.

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Endorphins are the neurotransmitter that works to inhibit body processes. Endorphins also affect mood and help people fall asleep.

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How can a person sleep sitting up?

Many people can fall asleep standing up. Though once the person falls asleep their body becomes very relaxed and will not be able to keep the body upright. You can sleep propped up but most likely you will fall over.