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Q: Do you need level 12 on goodgame empire to join an alliance?
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How do you join an alliance on Travian?

You can join an alliance when you have built an embassy level 1, and have invitation to the alliance from the alliance leader. You can then accept the invitation from inside the embassy.

How do you make an alliance with someone on goodgame empire?

Its very easy, There are two options; wether to make an alliance or join one. 1. If you want to join one with a specific player just go on the world map and find the players castle. Then click on the castle and press on castle info. When you are on a page that tells about the lord of the castles info find options like alliances and select it then it says about their alliance and at the bottom of that page it shows a question mark to join. But if that player doesn't have an alliance you can go on your options and messages menu to the left hand side of the screen and press on alliances. When on alliances make your own alliance and follow the steps then ask/invite you friends or people you want to join your alliance. This is if none of you have an alliance then you make one or your partner/friend. AFTER YOU DO MAKE YOUR FRIEND AND YOU IMPORVE YOUR EMPIRE AND RULE THE WHOLE WORLD! If you want to make an alliance make sure to message me cause i have a big empire and im pretty good. you can message me by clicking on my castle and pressing on info and message me i am "Dark Empire"

Is good game empire good?

Trust me at first i was like im bored i just want to go on miniclip and play games! soon i found goodgame empire on the site and gave a wrong email adress excetra and fake name but then after reaching level level 12 i thought wow this was alright thinking i was beast in this game but then i made an accurate and honest account and reached level 30 and was like the best game ever! the actual people i met were sick and as an alliance we are the top in the whole game! If you choose to play in any world join United Kingdoms map in united kingdoms 1

What was the triple alliance and what did it become?

The Triple Alliance was an alliance to counter the Triple Entente, an other Alliance, it contained Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Italy. Italy left the Triple Alliance on April 26th 1915 to join the Triple Entente in world war one

How do you start an alliance in evony?

You must have a level 2 embassy, and the higher your embassy, the more people can join.

How do you accept an invitation to an alliance on travian?

You open your inbox and click "join alliance" Actually you have to have an embassy to join an alliance. Build one then click on it, and viola, you'll get to join an alliance. After that, read the instructions.

How do you get Iron in evony?

join a good alliance like mine KOROSU and get them to give you some (if you join my alliance then i will give u some iv go 14 million) or attack a hill or build a level 10 iron mine

The three men crassus pompey and caesar join together as a to lead the empire?

Marcus Licinius Crassus, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Pompey the Great), and Gaius Julius Caesar joined together in an alliance to lead the Roman Empire. This alliance was called the First Triumvirate.

How do you join an alliance on grepolis?

you must get a invite to join it you ussualy get one by asking a person in the alliance and they just recruit you

How do you join an alliance in Travian?

First you must have an embassy level 1. You will then be able to receive and accept invitations from various alliances that have invited you.

How do you join an alliance in evony?

you build a embassy the click on it and then click join.