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Yes. Only a registered owner of a car can get the insurance. The insurance policy document and registration documents of a car both should be in a name of one person. The mismatching of documents leads to legal complications. So it is important to ensure that to get insurance, you have to be the registered owner of a car.

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I am only a registered owner of the car . someone else owns the car how will it be insured


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Q: Do you have to be the registered owner of a car to get insurance on it?
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How do you get insurance when you are not the registered owner of the car?

Answer:As long as you have the owners name on the insurance as owner you can insure it under your own policy

How do you get liblity insurance on a borrowed car that no insurance?

You have to own a vehicle to insure it then you have to register it as the registered owner. So if you are borrowing a vehicle either the owner has to insure it or you have to buy it from them

Will insurance cost more for a new driver if the car is registered in his name?

In Texas, Yes, It will cost more for Insurance for a new driver whether or not he is the registered owner of a vehicle.

Does the registered owner of the car have to be on the insurance policy even if they don't have a license?

The insurance policy should be in the name of the registered owner of the car.It is not necessary that he should have a licence.The person who is driving the vehicle should have a valid driving licence.

If you got a ticket for not having car insurance are you responsible or is the owner of the car?

The owner of the car. If YOU got a ticket because YOU were operating an uninsured vehicle on a public road, YOU are responsible for the ticket. There may also be a citation for the owner for having the vehicle registered without the required insurance.

What happens after your car is totaled and you only have liability?

If a car is totaled in an accident and only liability insurance is present, there is a chance that the other party's insurance will pay for the vehicle if the accident was their fault. If a car is totaled, but no others were involved, then the responsibility falls on the registered owner. This will not release the registered owner from paying for the vehicle, either, if money is still owed on the car.

If you hit a parked unregistered car can you sue their insurance?

Sure you can sue anyone for anything. The question is will you win. Let's get this straight. You hit a parked car, and you want to sue the owner of that car's insurance company. And your reason is that the car was not registered. Well if the car was not registered then how did they have insurance? What does the fact as to weather the car was registered or not have to do with the accident? You hit a parked car and that means you were at fault. But you go right ahead and sue. See where that gets you.

Registered owner and legal owner of a car?

Who is the legal owner or owners of a car if it is registered in one name but paid for jointly by 2 parties

Your car was in an accident in Florida It is registered in New York the insurance was in cancellation the car was not being driven by you and was totaled what is your recourse?

Your question is extremely confusing. Whose car is registered in New York? Whose car lacks insurance? Whose car caused the accident? Who was driving the car? All of that may or may not be relevant. In Florida the person who caused the accident is usually responsible for property damage whether or not he or she has car insurance. It does not matter where the car is registered. In Florida, people go after both the driver and registered owner. The driver caused the accident and the registered owner gave the driver permission to drive the vehicle. Collecting one cent is frequently a different matter.

In the UK can you take out insurance on a car that is not registered in your name?

Yes you can. You may have to agree only to drive the vehicle with the owner's permission.

Do you need insurance if the car is not registered?

there is never a bad time to have insurance. Yes, you should regardless if the car is registered or not.

Can a car be insured twice without the registered keeper knowing?

Are you serious with this question? No, the registered "Keeper" owner will get the bills in the mail or online. First, why would you want to insure a car twice and pay twice the bills for the same vehicle? Second, unless you own the car I doubt if you can insure it. You can pay the insurance bill if you wish but unless the car is registered in your name the bills and responsibility will go to the registered owner. Now it is NOT a good idea to provide insurance on anybodys vehicles except your own or/and your spouses.