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No, they take it out and take it to an animal shelter.

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Q: Could a repo man tow the car if there's an animal is in it?
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If the lienholder repos car due to default and you never missed a payment and continue paying off car is that no different than a regular repo?

When it gets to your CR, a repo is a repo is a repo. Theres only one.

Is it legal for a cop to force you to allow a repo man to tresspass?

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Can a dealer repo a car when theres a clear title on the car with no liensI have a clear title in my name?

No, if the car does not have a lien, then the dealer has no legal interest in it.I'm not sure why a dealer would even try to repo something they had no legal interest in.

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Can i put a gps on a car after i repo it?

No, if you do that, you could spend 10+ years in prison and be sued.

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If another car is blocking the repo car can they make you move it?

Yes, afterall, the repo-car is still the legal property of the person who has sent the repo-guy to retrieve it.

What kind of trouble can one get themself into by not turning in a car which the car repo authorities are looking for?

they can either repo the car, and you won't get into trouble, or they could find you and the car and there is a chance that you will go to a county jail for 2 to 30 days.AnswerFirst of the repo guys are not "authorities" they represent the bank that's it.They cannot have you arrested and you will not go to jail Repo guys like to scare you with that kind of crap.Look at it this way don't you think the repo guys (some of the laziest people around)would have the cops do their job for them if they could???This is a civil matter not crimminal!!!!! Cops deal with crimminal !

Can you self repo your car?

Yes, you can self repo your car if you can no longer afford your car and is financially unable to pay the payments for your car.