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yes you can get it evey month depending on the body. sometimes its just what the egg is creating to keep it in place it might not be a period sometimes it can be though.

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Q: Can you get your period being one month in the pregnancy's?
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What does it mean when you have a full period one month and a period that lats 3 days the next month?

Being late 3 days is nothing. It can even skip a month all naturally. The body is not always on the clock.

Are you pregnant if you dont have your period one month but you get it the month after that?

No you are not

Can you miss a period by being to nervous to miss the period?

No - stress or other issues may cause your period to be delayed a day or so but not miss a period altogether. ok if you missed your period one month do not worry just be happy

Is it bad if you have a heavy period on one month and a light one the next month?

No it is not bad, as some ladies have a heavy period for one month and then a light one or they may have two heavy periods and then one light one also.

What happens a month before a woman's period?

The only thing that happens exactly one month befor a woman's period is her previous period.

What causes of a month?

A month is a somewhat arbitrary period of time that loosely approximates the period of one lunar cycle.

If a woman gets two periods will she miss a period the following month?

A women is supposed to have only one period every month, so if she has two in a month which is rare the chances are that she may not have a period the following month.

If you had your period twice one month?

is not a problem

What does an Off and on period mean?

An off and on period is when one month you have it then the next month (s) you don't that's all it means.

Can a women have two period and 1 month?

It can be possible that a woman can have a period twice in one month. I would talk to a doctor.

Why do period happens twice in one month?

When you get your period depends on your menstrual cycle. If you have a 28 day menstrual cycle you will likely get your period once per month, where as if you have a 20 day cycle it is possible to have two periods in one month - e.g. you could get your epriod on the 1st of the month, then again on the 20th of the month.

Do you have a period every other month when you've had a fallopian tube removed?

You will still have a period every month with one Fallopian tube.