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Q: Who proposed the hypothesis that species change over time?
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Who proposed the hypothesis that species change over time by natural selection?

Charles Darwin

The hypothesis that species changed over time by natural selection was proposed by who?

Charles Darwin

Did linnaeus believe species could change?

Linnaeus did not believe that species could change over time. He proposed the concept of fixed species, where each species had a distinct and unchanging form. This idea was influential in shaping early biological classification systems.

Is the mechanism which proved species change over time?

The mechanism that has been proven to show species change over time is natural selection, as proposed by Charles Darwin. This process involves the differential survival and reproduction of individuals with advantageous traits leading to changes in populations over generations.

How did Lamarck propose that species change over time?

Lamarck proposed that by selective use or disuse of organs, organisms acquired or lost certain traits during their lifetime. Then passed onto offspring-leading to change in species

What is the punctuated equilibrium hypothesis about?

The punctuated equilibrium hypothesis suggests that species often undergo long periods of evolutionary stability, or stasis, interrupted by short bursts of rapid change leading to new species formation. This model contrasts with gradualism, which posits a slow and steady accumulation of changes over time.

Which scientist proposed a theory about how evolution works?

Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection in his book "On the Origin of Species." This theory explains how species change over time through the process of natural selection acting on heritable variations.

What did Darwin propose by saying that over a long natural selection could lead to?

Darwin proposed that over a long time, natural selection could lead to the gradual change and divergence of species from a common ancestor, resulting in the formation of new species through the process of adaptation to their environment.

When a scientific idea is proposed is it a hypothesis or theory?

It begins as a hypothesis, only after it has been thoroughly tested over time can it be called a theory. (Note that what non-scientists call a theory is actually just a hypothesis.)

What is a change of a species over time called?

Evolution is a change in species over time.

Who proposed that genetic change causes species to change quickly and not gradually?

The theory of punctuated equilibrium proposed by Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge suggests that genetic change can cause species to evolve rapidly in short bursts, with long periods of stability in between, rather than gradually over time. This theory challenges the traditional view of gradualism in evolution.

What does 'immutability of species' mean?

The concept of the "immutability of species" suggests that species are fixed and unchanging over time, as proposed by earlier naturalists before the theory of evolution. This idea was challenged by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, which suggests that species can change over time through the process of natural selection.