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To explore the area of the Louisiana Purchase - Apex

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13y ago

Lewis and Clark wanted to discover an accurate sense of the resources being exchanged in the Louisiana Purchase. As well to find the quickest route to the Pacific Ocean

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2mo ago

The main goals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition were to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Territory, establish trade with Native American tribes, find a water route to the Pacific Ocean, and document the flora and fauna of the region. Additionally, they aimed to establish American presence and sovereignty in the West.

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Nicole Sprinkle

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to explore the territory along the Missouri River

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Q: What were the main goals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
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What were Lewis and Clark's four main goals on the expedition?

Find a waterway path to the pacific ocean, map the west, make peace with the indians are there three main goals and the last one im not sure about

What were three goals for the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The three main goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition were to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase, establish trade with Native American tribes, and find a water route across the continent for commerce. Additionally, they were tasked with studying the flora, fauna, and geography of the region and documenting their findings.

What was the main reason for the Lewis and clark expedition?

The main reason for the Lewis and Clark expedition was to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase territory, find a practical route across the western part of the continent, establish a US presence in the region, and study the area's plants, animals, and geography. The expedition was also tasked with making diplomatic contact with Native American tribes and documenting their customs.

Did Lewis and clark meet Daniel Boone?

No, nothing shows that they did. Boone died in 1820 in Missouri at 85 years old. His main area of exploring and settlement was Kentucky, Missouri , and the Cumberland Gap. Lewis and Clark expedition was in 1804. It is possible they could have met, but there is no account of it.

What was the original purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The original purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition, also known as the Corps of Discovery expedition, was to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase territory, establish an American presence in the region, find a practical route across the western half of the continent, and establish trade with Native American tribes.

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What were the three main goals Lewis and Clark expedition?

The three main goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition were to find a practical route to the Pacific Ocean, to establish trade with Native American tribes, and to study and document the plants, animals, and geography of the newly acquired Louisiana Territory.

Did Lewis and Clark achieve their goals?

The Lewis and Clark Expedition achieved the main goal of finding a route up navigable rivers to the Pacific Ocean. They reached that goal on November 15, 1805.

What were Lewis and Clark goals expedition?

The main goals were to find a water route between the Pacific and Atlantic;to trace the boundaries of the Louisiana purchace;and to claim the Oregon territory those are the 3 main goals

What were the three main goals of the Lewis and clark expadition?

The three main goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition were to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Territory, establish a water route to the Pacific Ocean, and make contact with Native American tribes to foster trade and diplomatic relations.

What were the four goals of Lewis and Clark's expedition?

The four main goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition were to find a water route to the Pacific Ocean, document and study the plants and animals they encountered, establish diplomatic relations with Native American tribes, and gather information about the geography and resources of the newly acquired Louisiana Territory.

Who led the Lewis and clark expedition?

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led the epidition, but some say that Lewis was the main leader.

What were Lewis and Clark's four main goals on the expedition?

Find a waterway path to the pacific ocean, map the west, make peace with the indians are there three main goals and the last one im not sure about

What were three goals for the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The three main goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition were to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase, establish trade with Native American tribes, and find a water route across the continent for commerce. Additionally, they were tasked with studying the flora, fauna, and geography of the region and documenting their findings.

What were the boats used in the Lewis and Clark expedition?

They had three "Riverboats" built specifically for the expedition, The main boat was called a "Keelboat".

What was the goals the Lewis and clark expadition?

The main goals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition were to explore and map the newly acquired territory of the Louisiana Purchase, establish diplomatic relations with Native American tribes in the region, find a practical route for a waterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and document the plant and animal life of the region.

Who were Explorers of The Louisiana Purchase?

The most famous are Lewis and Clark, guided by Pocahantos.