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Q: What is the abstract for frighten?
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What is the abstract noun for frightening?

The word 'frightened' is the past participle, past tense for the verb to frighten. The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.The abstract noun form of the verb to frighten is the gerund, frightening.A related abstract noun is fright.

Is frighten plural?

frighten is a verb. It can be used with both singular and plural subjects and objects, e.g.:They frighten meI frighten them

What is the past tense of frighten?

The past tense of frighten is frightened.

How would you use frighten in a sentence?

"This movie will frighten you."

What is the root word for frighten?

the root word for frighten is fry

What is an example of a sentence using the word frighten?

Please do not frighten the cat.

What is the past participle of frighten?

The past participle of "frighten" is "frightened."

What is difference between fear and frighten?

Fear is an emotion "I fear you" Frighten is to cause someone to feel the emotion fear. "Do I frighten you?" = "Do I cause you to feel fear?" "Yes you frighten me" = "Yes, you cause me to feel fear"

Is frighten a noun?

No, frighten is a verb (frighten, frightens, frightening, frightened). The noun form is fright or the present participle of the verb (gerund) frightening.

Is scare is a synonym of frighten?

Yes, scare is a synonym of frighten if both are used as verbs.

What is the of frighten?

The word 'frighten' is the verb form of the noun fright.The noun form of the verb to frighten is the gerund, frightening.The word 'frightened' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to frighten. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.

What does frighten startle mean?

Both frighten and startle mean to scare Examples: When I am home alone, unfamiliar sounds startle me. When I am home alone, unfamiliar sounds frighten me.