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Zoologists study animals and botanists study plants. Biologists study both plants and animals together. Microbiologists study these things at a cellular level.

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8mo ago

A person who studies plants and animals is called a biologist.

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Q: What is someone who studies plants and animals called?
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What is the name of a person who studies fossil remains of plants and animals?

A paleontologist studies fossilized remains of plants and animals.

Who studies ocean plants and animals?

A person who studies ocean plants and animals is called a Marine Biologist.

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Is there a scientist that studies plants and animals?

Yes, a scientist who studies both plants and animals is called a biologist. Biologists who specifically focus on the study of plants are known as botanists, while those who study animals are called zoologists. Some scientists might specialize in both fields and be referred to as biodiversity scientists.

What scientist study living things?

A Biologist studies living things (plants, animals, etc.). A Botanist studies plants. A Zoologist studies animals.

What is the name of one who studies plants?

A botanist is someone who studies plants.

What is a person that studies animals?

Well, A zoologist studiest animals. An ecologist studies animals and how the interact with their environment. A botanist studies plants. Hope this helped

Who studies animals and their enverment?

I had this for my "Super Scientist" science homework and the answer is ECOLOGIST

What the name of a scientist who studies sea creatures?

Marine biologist. Actually, a Marine Biologist is someone who studies marine organisms (plants, oceans, and animals), but someone who studies MAINLY marine mammals is a marine mammalogist.

What do you call the biology of plants and animals?

The biology of plants and animals is called "biology." It is the branch of science that studies living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, and development.

What do call someone who studies plants?


Who studies life process of plants and animals?

A biologist.