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they both cleand around the earth

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Q: What do the routes of Lewis and Clark and Zebulon pike have in common?
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Who did Jefferson send to explore the Louisiana territory?

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, and Zebulon Pike

How was Zebulon Pike's leadership skills like Lewis and Clark's?

well they both leadershiped the same way

Who offered the sale of Louisiana to the US?

The expeditions of Lewis and Clark and of Zebulon Pike expanded knowledge of which regions?

What routes did Lewis and Clark take?

they took ape manthis

What were the differences between Lewis and Clark with Zebulon Pike?

Pike was the leader of one group that was sent out to explore the west. Lewis and Clark were the leader of the other group. In the end they return but Pike was not and much as a hero like Lewis and Clark. They just wanted to please Jefferson.

Who explored the northwest of the Louisiana territory?

The "Discovery Corps", which was led by Lewis and Clark.The Corp of Discovery with Lewis and Clark

Did the expeditions of Lewis and Clark and of Zebulon pike expand Americans knowledge of the land west of the Missouri river?

Yes :D

Who explored the southern part of the Louisiana purchase?

Lewis and Clark explored the Louisiana purchase with Sacajawea as their guide

In what order came first the us offers to buy new Orleans from France Lewis and clark lead the corps of discovery zebulon pike explores the southwest?

The correct answer is: The United States offers to purchase New Orleans from France, Lewis and Clark lead the Corps of Discovery, Zebulon Pike explores the Southwest.

When did Zebulon Lewis Leigh die?

Zebulon Lewis Leigh died on 1996-12-22.

When was Zebulon Lewis Leigh born?

Zebulon Lewis Leigh was born on 1906-06-19.

How many new routes did Lewis and clark discover on their way back to Missouri?