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Just about ALL human (and living organism) characteristics are affected by genes.

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Q: What characteristics are affected by genes?
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What characteristics are controlled by genes?

Genes control various characteristics such as eye color, hair color, height, and susceptibility to certain diseases. They also play a role in determining traits like intelligence, athletic ability, and predisposition to mental health disorders.

What are some responsibilities of genes?

Genes are responsible for storing and transmitting genetic information from parents to offspring. They also play a key role in determining an individual's traits and characteristics by coding for specific proteins that carry out various functions in the body. Additionally, genes are involved in regulating processes such as growth, development, and response to the environment.

Each parent donates a set of instructions called what to their offsprings?

The set of instructions for each characteristic passed from parent to offspring is called "genes", which are made up of complex molecules of DNA.

What are the characteristics of polygenic traits?

Polygenic traits are determined by the interaction of multiple genes, each contributing a small effect towards the phenotype. They often display a continuous range of phenotypes rather than distinct categories. Polygenic traits are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

How are characteristics passed?

Characteristics are passed down from parents to offspring through genetic material, such as DNA. Offspring inherit a combination of traits from both parents, resulting in a unique set of characteristics that define the individual. Genes determine specific traits, such as hair color, eye color, and height, which are passed from one generation to the next.

Related questions

What are characteristics affected by?

Just about ALL human (and living organism) characteristics are affected by genes.

What are the characteristics of a tree?

Humans and trees have the following characteristics in common:They have cells, genes, and chromosomesThey growThey are affected by environmentThey need waterThey reproduceThey die

What are the genes responsible for the characteristics?

Genes are transcribed to make Proteins

What is the function of most genes?

Genes decide what all of our physical characteristics are

What are characteristics passed on from your parents?


What controls inherited characteristics?

Inherited characteristics are controlled by genes, which are units of heredity passed down from parent to offspring. Genes contain instructions for specific traits and are located on chromosomes within the cell. The combination of genes inherited from both parents determines the characteristics of an individual.

How are traits and genes similar?

Traits and genes are similar in that they both play a role in determining an organism's characteristics. Genes are segments of DNA that contain the instructions for specific traits, while traits are the physical or biochemical characteristics that result from the expression of genes. Genes control the inheritance of traits from one generation to the next.

What animal characteristics are determined by genes?

Inherited ones

What are your genetics?

The characteristics that your parents passed on to you through your genes

What controls the characteristics of an organism?

The characteristics of an organism are controlled by its genetics, which interact with environmental factors to determine traits such as appearance, behavior, and physiological functions. Genes contain the instructions for building and regulating the organism's development and functioning.

What determines your inherited characteristics?

Inherited characteristics are determined by a combination of genes passed down from biological parents. Genes are segments of DNA that contain instructions for specific traits such as eye color, height, and blood type. The combination and expression of these genes influence an individual's inherited characteristics.

What are the characteristics of heredity?

The characteristics of heredity are characteristics, otherwise known as traits. Heredity is the transmission of genes from one generation to the next.