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OF CORES IT IS A vampire bat

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8mo ago

The greater bulldog bat, also known as the fishing bat, has the best hearing among bats. They use echolocation to locate and catch fish in complete darkness by emitting high-frequency sound waves and listening to the echoes that bounce back. This species has evolved specialized adaptations in their ears to enhance their ability to detect prey underwater.

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Q: What bat has the best hearing?
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What is the animal with the best hearing?

The animal with the best hearing is the barn owl. Its hearing is so sensitive that it can locate prey in complete darkness using only sound.

Do bats substitute hearing for some other sense?

It is thougth that bats subsitute sonar echoing for hearing. The bat makes a noise and recives a "picture" of the world around them

What land animal has the best sense of hearing?

Whoever edited my answer is almost right, but not quite. :) Yes the bat has fabulous hearing but out of the entire animal kingdom it does not have the best hearing, as far as being able to hear on a large decibel scale. The moth still holds that record as they can detect sounds in a gigantic range of frequencies from 1,000 and 240,000Hz. Given scientific parameters though it's not certain what would qualify as far as acuteness of hearing, sharpness, range of frequency, etc. What IS certain is that there really is no way that these "concepts" can be proven in such a way to tell you definitively that there is a "BEST".

What dog breeds have the best hearing?

this could start a debate, however, the Border Collie is supposed to have the best hearing and the most intellect, but every dog lover will tell you it is THEIR dog breed that is the cutest, smartest and has the best hearing and smell! Also the best looking!!!

Do bats have senses?

as a matter of fact. Yes they do have senses. They have all the senses that you and I have. Sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Theyr'e just like you and me but their bats. But it depends which bat your talking about. If your talking about a baseball bat, then that would just be plain wierd.

Related questions

What ANIMAL has the hearing?

The bat has the best hearing !!!

How does bat hearing compare to human hearing?

Bat uses sonar. Humans don't.

How do a bat find its pray?

a bat has very good hearing

What animal has the best hearing?

it depends what you classify as "the best hearing" but dolphins and bats have the best sonar hearing and owls have the sharpest hearing with one ear hole above their eye level and one below they can pinpoint the vertical positions of a sound source. :)

What mammal has the best hearing?

African elephants are the animal that can hear the best over a long distance. However, most domesticated dogs have amazing hearing too!

Which sense does the bat depend?

Snse of hearing

What is the range of hearing for the bat?

20 Hz and 120,000 Hz,

What is the best bat in the bat?

the best bat is a gm flare be cause it has soft wood

Is bat hearing directional?

Yes, it would be impossible to catch bugs for them if it wasn't.

What is best cricket bat under 2000 rs?

What is the best bat

Which cranial nerve assists in hearing the crack of a bat hitting a baseball?

VIII Vestibulococchlear

How best does an owl survives than a bat?

a bat survives best at night an owl can see but a bat has good haering too.