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All protozoans are considered heterotrophic, meaning they need to take in food. They can do this through different methods, such as phagocytosis, absorbing nutrients through their cell membrane, or feeding on other organisms.

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Q: What are all protozoans because they take in food?
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Are all protozoans prokaryotic and autorophic?

No, not all protozoans are prokaryotic and autotrophic. Protozoans are eukaryotic organisms that can be autotrophic or heterotrophic. Autotrophic protozoans can photosynthesize like plants, while heterotrophic protozoans rely on organic matter for nutrition.

What characteristic do all protozoans share?

They are all eukaryotes, and live in moist surroundings.Most protozoans are unicellular, but not all.

How are protozoans different from animals?

The protozoa are one-celled animals and the smallest of all animals. ... They do breathe, move, and reproduce like multicelled animals.

Somatoplasm and germplasm are not differentiated in protozoans?

That is correct. Protozoans do not have distinct somatic and germinal cell lines like multicellular organisms. Instead, they typically have a single cell that performs all necessary functions for the organism.

What protozoan has nuclear membranes?

All protozoans have a nuclear membrane.

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Yes, it's both because it can be a treat (candy) and it can be food (sweet potatoes). All candy is food. Take this for example. A butterfinger is food because it has flavor and it can take up space in your stomach.

How are algae different from protozoans?

Algae are photosynthetic organisms that contain chlorophyll and use sunlight to produce energy, while protozoans are single-celled organisms that must consume organic matter for energy. Algae have cell walls made of cellulose, whereas protozoans usually do not. Algae are classified as plants in the kingdom Protista, while protozoans are classified as animals in the kingdom Protista.

Are all protozoans heterotrophic?

Protist may be unicellular or multicellular , they can also be heterotrophic or autotrophic. All protist are eukaryotes, which means that most of their metabolic processes occur inside their membrane-bound organelles

Why does the digestive system take up such a large area of the body?

Because it has to digest all of the food that you eat.

What place does the mustang horse play in the food chain?

It is lower in the food chain because it is a herbivore but it is only preyed upon by larger predators because they are all that can take one down.

Where do plant take in food?

Plants take in food from their roots, all plants do.

Why is it important for the cytoplasm to move continuously in a cell?

Cytoplasm moves because it has to transport all the materials inside the cell and in some protozoans it is even necessary for movement of whole cell such as Amoeba.