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An Animal that would have a brian of that size would probly be a squirrell and-or a porcupine.

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Q: What animals brain is the size of a walnut?
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What size brain does a Tyrannosaurus rex have?

Stegosaurus had a brain that weighed about 2.8 oz, the same as a dog's brain. That is very small considering that the Stegosaurus was 30 feet long and weighed 5.5 tons. People often say that its brain was the size of a walnut or a pea, but that exaggerates its small size.

What is a Stegasaurus' brain the same size as?

A Stegosaurus' brain is roughly the size of a walnut, about the size of a dog's brain.

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A sloths brain is only about the size of a walnut.

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The fruit that is similar in size and shape to a human brain is the walnut.

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peanut size maybe walnut if he eat his vegetables bruha

Is a brain the size of a walnut?

An Animal that would have a brian of that size would probly be a squirrell and-or a porcupine.

What are three things that are the same size as the stegosaurus brain?

Stegosaurus had a brain that weighed about 2.8 oz, the same as a dog's brain. That is very small considering that the Stegosaurus was 30 feet long and weighed 5.5 tons. People often say that its brain was the size of a walnut or a pea, but that exaggerates its small size.

How many brains did the stegasaurus have?

only one brain and only about da size of a walnut!

What is the size of a turkey's brain?

A turkey's brain is relatively small compared to its body size, weighing about 0.1% of its total body weight. It is roughly the size of a walnut.