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when atome and molecules go from a highly concentrated area to a lower concentrated area

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3mo ago

Diffusion is the process by which molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, resulting in equal distribution of solute. It is a passive transport process that does not require external energy input.

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What is an example of flora diffusion?

Flora diffusion can be defined as the spread of flora to regions outside of its native region through relocation or by direct contact with those secondary regions

What is gate diffusion input?

Gate diffusion input is defined as the new technique of low power digital combination of circuit design. This allows reduced power consumption and delayed propagation.

Diffusion is defined as a movement of molecules?

Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, driven by random thermal motion. This process results in the equal distribution of molecules in a given space over time.

How do diffusion and osmosis differ from one another?

Diffusion and osmosis differ because diffusion is the process by which molecules spread out, or move from areas with high concentration to low concentration, and osmosis is the diffusion of water. Osmosis is a type of diffusion relating to water. It is usually used to describe the diffusion of water across a membrane (such as the cell membrane). Osmosis is also defined as the flow of solvent from a region of higher pressure toward a region of low pressure.

What is the passage of water through call membranes?

simple answer osmosis defined as the diffusion of water from a area of high concentration to a area of low concentration.

How do you solve a diffusion equation with a negative diffusion coefficient?

Such an equation would represent an ill-posed problem for all positive time (i.e. the solution is not defined). The irreversibility of diffusive processes is closely related to the second law of thermodynamics. Petr

What is the difference between limiting current and diffusion current?

Limiting current refers to the maximum current that can be passed through an electrochemical cell under specific conditions, such as when the rate of reaction is limited by the availability of reactants or by the kinetics of the reaction. Diffusion current, on the other hand, describes the movement of charged species due to concentration gradients in the electrolyte. It is a component of the total current in an electrochemical cell.

What are the types of cultural diffusion?

contagious diffusion, relocation diffusion, expansion diffusion, stimulus diffusion, hierarchical diffusion.

The spreading out of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration is called .?


What is input gate?

Gate diffusion input is defined as the new technique of low power digital combination of circuit design. This allows reduced power consumption and delayed propagation.

Osmosis is a specific form of?

Osmosis is a very specific type of diffusion. Osmosis is defined as the movement of water from higher concentration to lower concentration. This type of diffusion is unique as it only really involves water movement which occurs through a membrane that is considered semi-permable.

How is omosis defined?

Osmosis is the diffusion of fluid through a semipermeable membrane.