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This bone was near blood vessels or organs.

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Agnes Bogan

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Q: A scientist find fossae on a bone sample. what can the scientist conclude?
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What can the scientist conclude from a scientist finds fossae on a bone sample?

This bone had nerve running through it.

A scientist finds fossae on a bone sample What can the scientist conclude?

This bone was located near the brain. This bone had nerves running through it.

What can the scientist conclude from a scientist finds formania on a bone sample?

The presence of formania on a bone sample could indicate bacterial or fungal contamination. Further investigation would be needed to determine if the formania is derived from environmental sources or intrinsic to the bone itself. It is essential to rule out any potential artifacts or contamination during sample handling and processing.

What can a scientist conclude when he finds a foramina on a bone sample?

Finding a foramina on a bone sample suggests that it is a passage for nerves and blood vessels to pass through, indicating a vital function in the body. The presence of foramina can help scientists identify the bone's location in the body and potentially infer information about the individual's health and lifestyle.

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A scientists finds a foramina on a bone sample what can the scientist include?

The scientist can include the size, shape, location, and any unique features of the foramina. They may also investigate the purpose of the foramina, such as for blood vessels or nerves to pass through, to better understand its function in the bone. Additionally, the scientist should consider the foramina's presence in relation to the bone's overall structure and function.

What bones does the maxilla articulate with?

The maxilla articulates with several bones in the skull: the frontal bone, the ethmoid bone, the nasal bone, the zygomatic bone, the palatine bone, and the inferior nasal concha.

How is leukemia tested?

The most informative test for Leukemia is a Bone Marrow Aspiration. A needle is inserted into the pelvic bone and a sample of bone marrow is extracted (aspirated) . That sample is sent to a laboratory and is looked at under a microscope to look for bad blood cells and other signs of leukemia.

A sternal puncture is often employed to obtain a sample of?

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What scientist first studied living cells?

Antone bone laving hook

How is the diagnosis of aplastic anemia made?

A sample of the patient's bone marrow will need to be removed by needle (usually from the hip bone) and examined under a microscope.

When a provider collects a bone marrow sample from an adult the site chosen is the iliac crest or the?

sternum. These sites are commonly used for collecting bone marrow samples in adults due to their accessibility and the presence of a rich source of bone marrow in these areas.