Vampires are typically portrayed as undead creatures lacking the biological functions necessary for reproduction, such as a beating heart and functioning reproductive organs. Additionally, the transformation into a vampire involves a cessation of normal human physiological processes, including the ability to conceive and bear children. Furthermore, the undead nature of vampires often means that their bodies are incapable of sustaining new life or nurturing offspring.
No, female vampires can not get pregnant, but a male vampire can produce children in a female humans body.
Actually I have seen on rare occasions in works of fiction other than Twilight, Vampires getting pregnant.
The only time I've seen a vampire become pregnant was when Darla became pregnant with Angel's son Conner in the series Angel.But Angel did have a soul which in a way made him somewhat near human. So a regular vampire can't get pregnant, I assume.
No. They're dead. They're bodies can't change.
It has been known since ancient times that a male vampires can father children with a living woman, the offspring is known as a Dhampir. Living cells are capable of undergoing two types of division Mitosis and Meiosis. Meiosis is the type that produces sex cells: eggs and sperm. Sperm required a significantly lower temperature than what the mammalian body maintains, this is why the male testicles are kept significantly away from the main mass of the body. (Apologies to sensitive readers.) So even though the main body of a vampire is dead, the vampire condition must be able to maintain the minimal requirements for the gonads to function.
Of course some people maintain that fingering a dead husband as the father of a pregnant widow is just an excuse for infidelity; it comes down to which side of 'Vampire Existence Controversy' you adhere to.
If you are talking about Twilight and The realtionship between Bella and Edward... then yes they can have a baby together... Renesmee is half human and half vampire.Vampires are not as different from humans as u thing. They are not physically dead or something. Both with a vampire father or a vampire mother a half-vampire child can be produced. Although usually the vampire is the father cause vampire women get pregnant harder than human women, for unknown reasons.
They can't change.
A vampire is basically a dead body reanimated but the extent of the reanimation is not all the way back to a living body. For the ovaries this is a fatal condition and they do not resume their former function. For the testicles, however, they already required a lower body temperature than the body proper (which is why they are located external to the body and will vary their distance from the body dependent on temperature (apologies to sensitive readers but it is hard to avoid this discussion when the subject of reproduction is brought up.)) and the extent of reanimation for the vampire condition is sufficient for them to continue their function.
Well, when they all turn into vampires, you notice that they stop aging, right? Well, as Stephenie Meyer explained in an interview, supposedly female vampire bodies stop reproducing when their bodies freeze into vampiric perfection, so they can't have babies because their vaginas are basically frozen.
Not really
Vampires don't actually exist. They are mythical creatures. Whether or not vampires can have babies depends on the author writing about them.
Vampires don't exist.
Vampire babies
Vampires don't need to shave.
Vampires arent real. So they cant be warded off.
No. People can do acting in theatre, and movies, with the roll of a vampire, but there cant be real vampires
difference between vampires and humans are that vampires dead and they drink blood. Plus vampires can fly and humans cant and vampires are very pale and mean .
Sunlight, garlic, crosses.
Well unfortunately on PetVille I believe you cant have babies
Alien egg babies cant have babies anyway.
you cant from the library