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Q: Why does the world remember Einstein as a world citizen?
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Albert Einstein was a citizen of what country?

Albert Einstein was a citizen of Germany and later became a naturalized citizen of the United States.

What coutry was Albert Einstein a citizen of?

Albert Einstein became a citizen of Switzerland in 1901.

Why did Albert Einstein become a US Citizen?

Einstein was born in Germany and was a German citizen. He naturalized as a US citizen in 1940.

When did Albert Einstein became a US citizen?

He became an American citizen in 1940

Was Albert Einstein a Swedish scientist?

No. Einstein was German born and became a United States Citizen.

When did Albert Einstein become an American citizen?

In 1989

What countries was Albert Einstein citizens of?

he was an citizen in Germany

Help you are looking for a old school song and remember much you just know threre was a funky beat and it would say Einstein Einstein?

the oldschool Einstein Einstein surprise. i remember it too!

Was Einstein a US citezen?

Albert Einstein in 1940 renounced his German citizenship and became a U.S. citizen.

Are there any museums named after Albert Einstein?

* Historiches Museum in Bern, Switzerland has established a permanent display of his life and works in its Einstein Museum. Einstein became a Swiss citizen in 1901 and an American citizen in 1940. (see related questions)

Is Albert Einstein a Canadian citizen?

i thought he was a german jew

Albert Einstein became an American citizen by?

naturalization naturalization