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Q: Was Columbus the first explorer to find the new world?
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What country financed Columbus's first voyage across the Atlantic in 1492?

Spain. Columbus had first asked Portugal, but their geographers were better than Columbus and they had quickly calculated that Columbus estimated the circumference of the Earth at 1/3rd of its real size and that he never would find India and China where he thought it was.

What explorer believed that Columbus did not land in Asia?

Almost anyone who at the time knew something about navigation. First the Portuguese had - even before he started out - worked out that Columbus could never find China where he thought it would be; and later on the Spanish experts decided the same thing, but Queen Isabella decided to let him have a shot at it anyway. Most famously, the cartographer (not explorer, by the way) Amerigo Vespucci also worked out that what Columbus had found could not possibly be China. He never called it "America" himself though, nor did the people around him. The very first mention of "America" is on a map made in Bristol, England, showing the parts of North America that had been discovered by an expedition funded by a British tradesman called Richard Ameryk.

What year did Columbus reach America?

It was in 1492, and we now remember it with Columbus Day. [=

Who were two explorers of the New World?

There are TONS! Probably the most important two are: 1. Christopher Columbus, who set forth in 1492 to try to find a water route to Asia by crossing the Atlantic Ocean. He found North and South America, which later became known as the New World. 2. Amerigo Vespucci, who discovered that the New World was not Asia as Columbus thought. He studied what Polo had found from actually REACHING Asia, and realized as he went over to the New World, and it dawned on him. A German mapmaker named America after his first name.

Why was it possible to find both free and enslaved Africans aboard Spanish expedition ships going to the new world?

Africans lived in Spain for over 700 years before Columbus's voyage to the New World

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What explorer was funded by King Ferdinand and and Queen Isabella of Spain to find the New World?

Christopher Columbus

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Who was the first explorer to find routes to America?

people think dirty Columbus butt NO

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Christopher Columbus was the first European explorer to find the Pacific Ocean.

How did Christopher Columbus become a explorer?

Christopher Columbus was cerainly not inspired to be an explorer by his father but in 1476 he sailed on his first expedition so that might have inspired him to become a real explorer.

Who is a person who tries to find new land?

an explorer. christopher Columbus for example, who was the first European to reach the Americas.

What explorer did NOT find the landmark that he was searching for?

Christoper Columbus

Who was the first spanish explorer to search for gold in the new world?

The first Spanish explorer to search for gold in the New World was Christopher Columbus during his voyages to the Caribbean. While he did not find significant amounts of gold, his expeditions helped pave the way for other explorers who would later discover gold in the Americas.

What was the purpose of Columbus first journey to the world?

To find a water route to Asia.

Why did Columbus go to the new world on his first?

To find a new trade route to Asia

What relation was Henry the navigator to Christopher Columbus?

Columbus was an explorer and a sailor. He discovered the New World (later Americas) and was patronised by the Spanish. He was not an aristocrat. Henry the Navigator never took a voyage himself. He was a Portuguese prince who patronised seamen to find a new route to the Indies. He established the first school of navigation and the first observatory in Portugal.

What did the explorer Christopher Columbus set out to do?

he wanted to find a better rout to the east of India.