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crusaders took too much equipment

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Q: The second crusade differed from the first because in the second?
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The Second Crusade differed from the first because in the second .?

it lasted longer

Why is the second crusade called the noble crusade?

Well apparently it is called the noble crusade because everyone who went on the first crusade and the noble crusade were noble

Was Jihad founded after the first crusade?

No in the second crusade.

Which of the following statements represents a significant difference between the First Crusade and the Second Crusade?

The First Crusade was highly successful, while the Second was not.

How did the church encourage the second crusade?

The second crusade, in response to the fall of the county of Edessa (the first cursader state to be founded and the first to fall), was announced by pope Eugene III. This crusade was called the king's crusade, because of the protagonism of various European monarchs, namely Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany.

What is the difference and similarities between the first and second crusade?

The main difference between the First Crusade and the Second Crusade is that the Christian forces successfully captured Jerusalem and surrounding lands in the First Crusade and experienced heavy losses in the Second Crusade. Both crusades were formed to reconquer Muslim lands that had been previously Christian and/or Jewish.

The second wave of feminism differed from the first wave because modern wanted what?

voting rights, as well as full equality

What year did the crusade take place?

Which one? First crusade - 1095-1099 Second crusade -1145-1148 Third crusade - 1187-1192 Fourth crusade - 1202-1204

Why was the first crusade so successful?

The first crusade was so successful, because the muslim defenders were so un unified.

How did the Second Crusade differ from the first?

crusaders took too much equipment.

Which Crusade was the most successful?

The First Crusade was the only successful Crusade.

What did the second crusade hoped to get from the Muslims?

conversion to Christianity, as that's what the first one was about also