Basically America Stepped in with the Dawes Plan 1923 and Young plan 1929, and this with massive loans and a new loan helped pay it off, but before that they couldn't pay it so the French Invaded the Ruhr a Industrial area and This caused hyperinflation.
4th October 2010
Well They stopped paying it when Hitler was Chancellor, but then after WW2 they had to start paying it back again and finished in 2010.
Japan, Italy, and Germany.
huge war reparations
yes reparations were required
4th October 2010
Well They stopped paying it when Hitler was Chancellor, but then after WW2 they had to start paying it back again and finished in 2010.
Germany has not been paying Palestine or Palestinians for the Holocaust. Germany has been sending reparations to Israel for the Holocaust which the Third Reich (Germany in World War II) perpetrated against the Jewish people and other minorities since 1952. Please see the Related Link for more information on the German-Israeli Reparations.
The Allied Forces were tottally unfair in the reparations towards Germany, which is what mainly caused World War Two to start. During the Reparations, Germany was demilaritized, had no army, was split in half and etc.. All of these reparations were made and passed without Germany even present when the reparations were made.
reparations (because of the war guilt for World War One)
Its was 1923 :P The same year that Hitler took over German government....but he faailed and got sent to prison insted. :) -----------------------> No -it's the wrong answer above; Hitler never took over the German govt. in 1923. Germany stopped paying Versailles reparations in 1931 - before the Nazis took power in 1933.
The Ruhr, a industrial area in Germany was invaded by the French. They invaded to take reparations by force.
Germany's repayment of war reparations hinged on loans from the United States. World War I ended on November 11, 1918.