Hubert is an Ancient Germanic name that could have been used by people of the Norse culture because the Germanic tribes included the Danes and the Swedes. Hubert was the patron saint of hunters.
veiðimaðr is old Norse for huntsman
The Norse word for owl is "ugla."
The Norse word for farmer is "bóndi."
The Norse word for archer is "bogi" or "skytta."
The word for grandfather in Old Norse is "afi."
The Norse word for song is "ljóð" or "kvæði."
The Old English/Norse word and the Modern English word are one in the same; hell=hell.
Norse is a word referring to the Scandinavian races.
Miðgarðr In English, it's called Midgard.
the word 'Norse' would be capitalised, but not 'mythology'.
The Vikings spoke Old Norse and the Old Norse word for beast is dýr.