The Stevens/Savage model 987 was made from 1972-1989.
The savage/stevens model 73 was made during the years 1964-1969.
The savage/stevens model 24B was made from 1950-1965.If you need a exact year maybe savage can help at their web site thru customer service?
your savage Stevens model 94c was made from 1926-1945,there were 934,000 made during this timespan.
The stevens model 59A was made by savage arms from 1937-1967.I am afraid that this is the best I can do with the info available.
The savage/stevens model 72 crackshot .22cal rifle was made by savage during the years 1972-1989.
The Stevens/Savage No.345 was made from 1916-1931,with a total production of 3,500 made.
The original Savage?Stevens model 311 shotguns were made from 1926-1945.The more recent made Stevens model 311 shotguns were discontinued in the year 1989.
The Stevens Savage Model 124 12 gauge shotgun was made from 1949 to 1954. The serial number will signify the actual year of manufacture.
The Savage/Stevens No 95 was made from 1926-1935.There were 55,000 made during this time span.
The Stevens model 72 series,of which the model 72L was included,was last produced in 1989.
The Stevens model 9478 was made from 1978-1985.for a exact year of production,you will need to contact Savage Arms Company who made the Stevens line of shotguns.