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Q: What instrument has strings that are plucked by a set of plastic leather or quill wedges?
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What has strings that are plucked by by set of plastic leather or quill wedges?


How is the vibration caused in a harpsichord?

The strings are plucked by leather or quill points connected with the keys

What were the most common plucked strings instruments during the renaissance?

The lute was the most common plucked string instrument of the Renaissance.

Why is the ukulele a string instrument?

String instruments are called that because they have ... strings.

Is a harpischord a reed instrument?

No, it is a stringed instrument, a type of keyboard instrument; one of the many precursors to the modern forte-piano. Its strings are layed out, similar to a piano, but the strings are not struck with a hammer, they are plucked with a quill.

Name a string instrument in a orchestra?

Bass, Double Bass, Violin, Harp, Viola, Cello. The harp is an instrument with strings, which are plucked, but it is not normally considered one of the 'strings' sections.

What were the most common plucked strings instruments during the renascence?

Harp and Lute

What is the national musical instrument of Portugal?

The Portuguese guitar (or Portuguese guitarra) is the national musical instrument of Portugal. It is a plucked string instrument with twelve steel strings, strung in six courses comprising two strings each.

What instrument did the piano earlier evolve from?

The piano evolved ffrom the harpsichord, an instrument in which the strings were plucked, rather than hit with hammers (like the piano).

What instrument family does the harp belong to?

The harp is a unique member of the stringed instrument family. Like other members of the string family, the harp's sound is produced by vibrating strings stretched between parts of a wooden frame or box. On a harp, the strings' vibrations are produced by being plucked by hand, while seven pedals at the bottom of the harp adjust the length of the strings to produce more notes.

Which keyboard instrument has strings that are plucked instead of struck when the keys are pressed?

A harpsichord was the keyboard instrument before piano fortes, the modern piano. Unlike a piano, where hammars hit the strings, a harpsichord's strings were plucked by quills, or "jacks." Harpsichords were used by Bach and other composers of that time period.

What does the phrase your heart strings have been plucked mean?

The phrase "your heart strings have been plucked" is a metaphorical way of expressing deep emotion or strong feelings being experienced. It implies that something or someone has touched your emotions in a profound way, similar to the effect of plucking the strings of a musical instrument.