Neither, because all Pagan gods and goddesses (Poseidon and Hades included) are immortal. Unable to be killed. They can however, be trapped, as Ares was in a Jar, or be intimidated, as Zeus does regularly to the other gods. So long as the battle is physical, this invulnerability holds true.
If it were a battle to submission... that's up for debate.
Poseidon because hades has fire powers but Poseidon has water powers and water could vaporise fire.
The big three of the Olympians were Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Zeus was recognized as the champion as he was the only one willing to face Typhoon. However they are all three a close match and whenever they have come close to 'coming to blows' they have always chosen a mediator to settle their disputes.
Zeus and Poseidon quarreled over Thetis a nymph and instead of fighting over her they submitted to the mediation of Prometheus, who gave Thetis to King Pelus.
Hades kidnapped Persephone the daughter of Ceres. Ceres appealed to Zeus to rescue the girl but Zeus was disinclined to get involved. Ceres then caused permanent winter to come over the Earth so Zeus worked out a deal with Hades where Persephone spent half the year above ground, the other half below.
Unlike Disney believes, Hades is not evil. He is more like a gatekeeper.
Probably Hades and Poseidon.
In Greek mythology, Zeus is generally considered the strongest among the three brothers - Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. Zeus is the king of the gods, ruling over the sky and thunder. Hades is the ruler of the underworld, while Poseidon is the god of the sea.
To win on Mythology Island, collect all 5 of the sacred items. After they are taken by Zeus at the Tree of Immortality, get Hercules to help you reach Poseidon and Hades, then travel to fight Zeus on Mount Olympus. There is a full solution at the related question below.
Ash, Misty, and Patrick Star would lose pathetically. Palkia would put up a good fight but, ultimately, Palkia would lose to the might of Zeus, Hades, and Kratos.
why is this in "gorillas"??? Hades would win due to his ability to summon the assistance of the dead, who far outnumber the living.
Hades definitely because hes part of the big 3
Zeus's thunderbolts, Poseidon's trident, and Hades' Healm of Darkness all of which were used to win the War of the Titans.
Hades is not the devil. Hades is the Greek god of the Underworld. The Greek gods were sometimes considered as mentally weak as humans, and could cave to temptations. They were not limitless in knowledge. Jehovah is the Jewish name for God, and according to their beliefs God is capable of anything and everything. He is endlessly intelligent. Thus Jehovah would destroy Hades.
Sonic would win the fight, but sora would put in one hell of a fight.
John cena would win in a fist fight an 50 cent would win in a in a gun fight
I would win.
In an all-out fight (not race) a bear would win. In a race of speed, obviously the cheetah would win.